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    Arduino and model boats
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    ๐Ÿ“ Arduino and model boats
    4 years ago by ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง G6SWJ ( Midshipman)
    โœง 16 Views ยท 4 Likes ยท 4 Comments
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    Hello โ€“ itโ€™s great to see that there are a bunch of you interested in Arduino and model boats

    I love playing with Arduino, I learn something new almost every day and find it mentally stimulating and rewarding working through the โ€œHow can I do thisโ€ of an Arduino project.

    Itโ€™s a big topic and comes with a set of itโ€™s own jargon so it can be difficult to know where to start, how much is it going to cost, where can I purchase the boards etc. etc.

    There are some fundamental building blocks that you need in place to be able to start your Arduino journey and it can be all to easy to give up on the subject when you hit a brick wall.

    My approach will be blended learning โ€“ there are some fabulous free learning resources on the internet โ€“ these are top notch well thought out and well-presented short videos.

    We all have different levels of understanding about Arduino โ€“ I will pitch the posts at those just starting their adventure โ€“ read on past if this is not you and and you come across familiar territory and maybe check back in when things get a bit more juicy.

    A taster for some of the projects to come

    A bilge water alarm -

    ๐Ÿ’ฌ Re: Arduino and model boats
    4 years ago by ๐Ÿ‡ญ๐Ÿ‡บ MouldBuilder ( Vice Admiral)
    โœง 13 Views ยท 1 Like
    I will be following with great interest. I bought a 32 exercise Arduino starter pack some time ago which is still unused. Time to get cracking I think. I am in quarantine now so I should find some time to start.
    Thanks for all of your time you are giving us Jonathan. It is much appreciated.
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    ๐Ÿ’ฌ Re: Arduino and model boats
    4 years ago by ๐Ÿ‡ฉ๐Ÿ‡ช Hellmut1956 ( Master Seaman)
    โœง 17 Views ยท 2 Likes
    It is great to see another one trying to add to the toolbox of the naval modeler the use of electronics. About more than a decade ago I had been disappointed by the poor implementation of a multi prop module from robbe. During just a weekend a friend, also a naval modeler and myself, build a small board using the avr mega8 controller and were able to display a numeric value of each of the 8 channels signal on an 80x4 display. From there it was just a small step to have these simple circuits offer full functional operation and control of 8 servos from a single signal, a single channel of an RC system. In those days this was a simple and cheap way to achieve this.
    Today, with an Arduino UNO clone for less than 5 Euros from China and with a tremendously more powerful controller, the AT mega328P is the cheapest and easiest way to use electronics to implement the desired functionality, RC controlled, into your model. The Arduino IDE, the programming environment, additionally makes the programming and loading of programs on the controller. This will open a world of possibilities as a powerful tool for naval modelers. When you look on the circuit board of an Arduino UNO, is really not more than making available all pins of the controller on pins of the board.
    In my days we programmed the atmega8 with a Basic compiler, BASCOM. The great think of this compiler ist that may of the instructions it offers are building blocks for naval modelers projects. Here you find the Basic compiler which can do programs the size most of the projects might require and it is for free. The purchased version, as I own it, in my opinion is worth it once you have projects exploding in your mind.
    ๐Ÿ’ฌ Re: Arduino and model boats
    4 years ago by ๐Ÿ‡ช๐Ÿ‡ธ Julio ( Petty Officer 1st Class)
    โœง 24 Views ยท 2 Likes
    I am added to the study group ... if you like it.
    ๐Ÿ’ฌ Re: Arduino and model boats
    4 years ago by ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง Martin555 ( Fleet Admiral)
    โœง 14 Views ยท 2 Likes
    Hi Jonathan,
    I started learning Arduino after watching Paul Mcwhorter's
    I only learnt to switch a few lighting circuits on and off and some Morse signals then promptly forgot it.
    I must try and do better LOL!!!

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    ๐Ÿ“ Arduino & Model Boats - Part 2
    4 years ago by ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง G6SWJ ( Midshipman)
    โœง 16 Views ยท 4 Likes ยท 6 Comments
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    If you have watched the โ€œsetting the sceneโ€ videos from Part 1 you should now be more familiar with some aspects of Arduino.

    I am going to suggest that you donโ€™t purchase any boards or accessories right now. Wait until we have covered a bit more of the topic โ€“ you will be able to judge then whether this is for you or not and therefore save wasting money.

    In Summary:
    > Arduino is open source and anybody can manufacture the boards โ€“ if not made by Arduino(Italy) then they should have a different name e.g. Seeeduino

    > The boards have inputs and outputs (Analog 0-5v, Digital 0 or 5v)

    > It is necessary to select the com (communication) "port" in the IDE that the Arduino board is connected to

    > It is necessary to select which Arduino board type (Uno,Nano etc) you are using in the IDE

    > Programs (also known as Sketches) are written in the free IDE computer software

    > Programs are uploaded from the IDE to the Arduino board using a USB cable

    The next video shows you how to write a very simple program to flash an LED - the full program code can be seen in the attached image

    ๐Ÿ’ฌ Re: Arduino & Model Boats - Part 2
    4 years ago by ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง G6SWJ ( Midshipman)
    โœง 15 Views ยท 3 Likes
    Hi Rick,

    All Martin said and - Yes the Nano can be used - it's great for model boats as it has a small footprint. It is easy to connect more than one Nano together to form distributed processing if we need more input/output pins or more processing power.

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    ๐Ÿ’ฌ Re: Arduino & Model Boats - Part 2
    4 years ago by ๐Ÿ‡ฉ๐Ÿ‡ช RNinMunich ( Fleet Admiral)
    โœง 13 Views ยท 1 Like
    "Great article but can it be transferred to the "HOW TO" section "
    I 'see' your thinking Mike, but the advantage of leaving it as a Blog is that we can print the whole caboosh as a Booklet๐Ÿ˜
    Finding it again later should be easy enough by simply searching for Arduino!
    Cheers, Doug ๐Ÿ˜Ž
    PS Another advantage is that here we can add comments and ask questions, which is not easily possible in the How To section. One (anyone) can only make revisions - which might lead to chaos.๐Ÿ˜ฎ As far as I know there are only four of us at the moment who can alter Blog posts in addition to the originator, and only one of those has direct experience of Arduino programming.
    Cheers, Doug ๐Ÿ˜Ž
    ๐Ÿ’ฌ Re: Arduino & Model Boats - Part 2
    4 years ago by ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง Colin H ( Fleet Admiral)
    โœง 13 Views ยท 1 Like
    Good video, I believe I can understand your explanation and I will be trying it for myself.
    Following with great interest, thanks, Colin.
    ๐Ÿ’ฌ Re: Arduino & Model Boats - Part 2
    4 years ago by ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง mturpin013 ( Admiral)
    โœง 14 Views ยท 2 Likes
    Great article but can it be transferred to the "HOW TO" section otherwise it will as time goes on disappear as the blogs move on, in the "HOW TO" section it will always be available.
    ๐Ÿ’ฌ Re: Arduino & Model Boats - Part 2
    4 years ago by ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง Martin555 ( Fleet Admiral)
    โœง 12 Views ยท 0 Likes
    Hi Rick,
    I have used a Mega, Uno and a Nano and they all program the same.
    Hope this helps.

    ๐Ÿ’ฌ Re: Arduino & Model Boats - Part 2
    4 years ago by ๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ฆ Newby7 ( Fleet Admiral)
    โœง 13 Views ยท 1 Like
    I liked the videos but not sure yet if can use the nano.
    ๐Ÿ“ Arduino & Model Boats - Part 3
    4 years ago by ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง G6SWJ ( Midshipman)
    โœง 16 Views ยท 4 Likes
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    >>DOCUMENT your code as you go

    We can add comments to our program code to help us understand what each line or section is doing. All text on the same line after a double forward slash is defined as a comment
    e.g. // This is a comment

    This has no effect on the program code or memory use when uploaded to the Arduino.

    In a simple program this may seem unnecessary โ€“ it is however a good habit to adopt. When you open a program 6 months down the road you may find you look at the code you wrote and struggle to understand your long forgotten logic โ€“ it can be very annoying when you canโ€™t understand your own code!

    >>SAVE your program regularly with a different name

    I use an approach where I give the program a name and suffix _xxx.

    xxx is simply an incremental serial number โ€œMyLedFlasher_001.inoโ€, โ€œMyLedFlasher_002.inoโ€ etc

    Often my enthusiasm overruns and I change lots of lines of code all at the same time only to find the program does not do what I expected or results in an error. If you have overwritten your previous working copy with the same file name you will feel your blood pressure rising. When the going gets tough I rename after each and every change - trust me this approach pays dividends...

    >>SYNTAX โ€“ what is it?

    Definition = โ€œthe structure of statements in a computer languageโ€

    There are a set of rules (syntax) you need to comply with in order for the IDE to accept your program code as valid.

    For example one syntax rule is most lines of code require the โ€œline terminator characterโ€ โ€“ a semi colon to be added to each line of code to tell the IDE โ€œend of lineโ€.

    If you make Syntax errors then the code will not upload(compile) to the Arduino board and you will be left with an orange error bar at the bottom of screen and some error text hinting at what might be wrong with your code.

    Another example of a Syntax error is incorrect use of lower case or capital letters for program commands.

    digitalWrite(LEDPin, HIGH); is valid syntax and works
    digitalwrite(LEDPin, HIGH); is invalid syntax and does not work as the letter w is in lower case

    Brackets are always used in pairs - open and close () or {} - it is easy when code gets more complex to omit a bracket

    Get used to the orange error bar and syntax errors they happen all the time to all programmers โ€“ or at least it does for me.

    You will get familiar with solving the errors over time โ€“ some can take a few minutes to work out what you have done wrong.

    In the worst case it can be best to take a step backwards โ€“ open the previous saved working version, rename it so the working version is left untouched and then start again with your changes.


    So that was some heavy stuff, on a lighter note looking forward to some of the upcoming projects I will touch on - very happy to add requests to this list

    Bilge water alarm
    Temperature Alarm
    Dimming LEDโ€™s
    Morse code & Aldis lamp signalling your own message
    Simulating rotating emergency light
    Moving a servo - this could be to let down a ramp or simulating gun turret movement
    Slowing down servo movement
    Running a servo movement sequence
    Automatic ballast trim to correct/rebalance vessel leaning to one side or other
    Active stabilisers
    Reading the receiver channels
    Engine sound device
    Switching 16 circuits from just one transmitter stick
    Holding a compass heading

    Remember Rome was not built in a day - Be patient with yourself and enjoy this fascinating topic


    ๐Ÿ“ Arduino & Model Boats - Part 4
    4 years ago by ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง G6SWJ ( Midshipman)
    โœง 17 Views ยท 5 Likes
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    Summary of learning points so far:

    > Arduino is open source โ€“ anybody can make the boards
    > Arduino boards have inputs and outputs - analog (0-5v) and digital 0 or 5v
    > We use the IDE to write our code and upload it via a USB cable to the Arduino board
    > We need to tell the IDE which com โ€œportโ€ and type of Arduino board we are using
    > Programs are also known as sketches
    > Programs have 2 parts โ€“ SETUP runs once as the program starts and LOOP that runs continually
    > DOCUMENT code as you create it using // This is a comment
    > SAVE your code regularly using a new name each time, the name hints at what the program does โ€“ e.g. MyLedFlasher_001, MyLedFlasher_002, etc
    > Syntax โ€“ a set of language rules you must comply with
    >> Terminate lines with ;
    >> Use upper and lower case appropriately where needed
    >> Brackets always used in pairs โ€“ open and close

    Future topics we will cover:
    + Data types
    + Compiling code
    + Debugging code
    + Functions
    + Common programming structures/concepts e.g. "If this then do that"
    + Command sheets
    + Addin libraries
    + Interrupts
    + Serial monitor
    + Debouncing
    + i2c & SPI
    + PWM = pulse width modulation
    + Sensors
    + Arduino performance
    + How to power the Arduino
    + Quick glimpse at ATtiny, Teensy and esp32

    And the command I hate the most โ€œdelayโ€ - like driving a Ferrari with the hand brake on...


    ๐Ÿ“ Arduino & Model Boats 5
    4 years ago by ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง G6SWJ ( Midshipman)
    โœง 15 Views ยท 3 Likes
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    After this buidling block hopefully things will start to fall into place and become more interesting - hold the faith๐Ÿ‘

    The next building block we are going to cover is the IDE SERIAL MONITOR.

    The SERIAL MONITOR allows us to โ€œseeโ€ what is going โ€œunder the hoodโ€ of our program โ€“ itโ€™s a bit like having a see-through oven door! to get used to how it works we will send a simple message from the Arduino to the IDE Serial Monitor on our desktop computer.

    The SERIAL MONITOR is mainly used during program development & debugging to help identify what is going on inside our program LOOP as will be seen in the next tutorials..

    Using the SERIAL MONITOR we can:

    >>> Receive data from the Arduino serial port (serial = one character after the other)

    >>> Send DATA to the Arduino serial port. (which I am not going to cover here)

    The SERIAL MONITOR is accessed through the IDE command ribbon by selecting โ€œTOOLSโ€ and then โ€œSERIAL MONITORโ€ - when selected a popup window opens on your computer which is the SERIAL MONITOR. (see pic 2)

    To send serial data from the Arduino to the SERIAL MONITOR we have to:

    In SETUP
    Start the serial connection using the command Serial.begin(speed) where speed for serial communication is one of the following Supported baud rates are 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 14400, 19200, 28800, 31250, 38400, 57600, and 115200

    In the program LOOP
    We need to send data to the serial port - to do this we use this command

    Serial.print(); an example might be Serial.print(โ€œhello from your Arduinoโ€);

    Everything between the quote marks will be sent to the Arduino serial port and be received by the IDE SERIAL MONITOR via the USB cable and displayed in the desktop IDE popup window.

    The serial monitor popup in image 3 is highlighted in yellow

    The example program is detailed in image 1 and also below

    void setup() // put your setup code here, to run once:
    Serial.begin(9600); // start the serial connection at speed 9600 bits per second (baud rate)

    void loop() // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
    { // open bracket for the START of the main LOOP

    // send the characters inside the quotes mark to the Arduino serial port

    Serial.print("Hello from your Arduino ");

    } // close bracket for the END of the main LOOP

    and with all the // comments removed

    void setup()

    void loop()
    Serial.print("Hello from your Arduino ");

    # We need to make sure that the baud rate speed we set in the program SETUP โ€“ Serial.begin(9600); matches the SERIAL MONITOR baud rate โ€“ we can change the Serial Monitor baud rate by selecting a value from a drop down list just to the right at the bottom of the monitor popup window โ€“ if they donโ€™t match you will either see lots of odd characters or nothing at all in your SERIAL MONITOR popup window

    # A good speed to use to start with for the Serial Communication baud rate is 9600.

    # The Arduino Uno and Nano only have one serial port. Other Arduino boards may have more serial ports and we would need to use a slightly different command as we would also refer to the serial port number e.g. SETUP serial3.begin(9600); and Serial3.print(โ€œhelloโ€);


    ๐Ÿ“ Arduino & Model Boats 6 - Digital Multi Voice Sound
    4 years ago by ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง G6SWJ ( Midshipman)
    โœง 16 Views ยท 4 Likes ยท 3 Comments
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    Time for some carrots!!!

    Putting in the time and energy to learn a new skill is hard work, until you reach the tipping point where things begin to fall into place it can all seem a bit confusing, boring and pointless.

    Often initial motivation ebbs and the realisation of the new skill fades.

    So time for something inspirational ....DIGITAL MULTI VOICE SOUND DEVICE

    So these videos are of a guys amazing project which might re-ignite some motivation.

    It's "Jedi" level so not for the next tutorial๐Ÿ˜‰

    There are many different sounds/ engine types that are available free and you can easily encode your own sound - yes it's in a truck but think how this concept could be transferred to a model boat - engine sound, horn, anchor, guns, sea gulls , general harbour noise ......

    Total cost excluding small amplifier and speaker about ยฃ10

    Oh and did I mention that this was Jedi level - it's a very complex project as published, hundreds and hundreds of lines of code and does some crazy amazing stuff - most not relevant to model boats - extract the good bits and we have a simple sound project which performs as well as some commercial boards costing 5 to 20 times the price....

    However complex the code this is the single command that makes the noise

    dacWrite(DAC1, Value);

    Enjoy these videos - I hope you find them inspirational...


    ๐Ÿ’ฌ Re: Arduino & Model Boats 6 - Digital Multi Voice Sound
    4 years ago by ๐Ÿ‡ฉ๐Ÿ‡ช RNinMunich ( Fleet Admiral)
    โœง 13 Views ยท 1 Like
    Hi Jonathan,
    Recommendations and useful links to suppliers are always welcome, especially when relevant to current projects and topics. Only exception might be if it is obvious that the poster has a personal commercial interest in the linked company.
    I for one would be VERY interested in benefiting from your pioneering experience๐Ÿ‘
    My opinion anyway. I'm sure Stephen will chime in if he has other reservations.
    Cheers, Doug ๐Ÿ˜Ž AKA Assistant Chief Cook and Bottle Washer๐Ÿ™„
    BTW: I love carrots, especially caramelised๐Ÿ˜‹ What's up Doc?๐Ÿ˜
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    ๐Ÿ’ฌ Re: Arduino & Model Boats 6 - Digital Multi Voice Sound
    4 years ago by ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง G6SWJ ( Midshipman)
    โœง 14 Views ยท 2 Likes
    Hi Martin,

    I have limited play time each week - I have recently been working with another model boater to create a two way serial data exchange module that turned out just fine but used up my play time so no tutorial publication here.

    I find myself in a situation where every penny counts due to the pandemic - in my previous life I had a healthy monthy budget that I could spend on electronic gadgets without thinking twice... most of the examples I will publish are based around the Arduino Nano or esp32.

    I will collate some of the suppliers I have used over the years and publish the list if that's ok with the forum owners(?)

    Next installment to follow soon...

    ๐Ÿ’ฌ Re: Arduino & Model Boats 6 - Digital Multi Voice Sound
    4 years ago by ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง Martin555 ( Fleet Admiral)
    โœง 12 Views ยท 0 Likes
    Hi G6SWJ,
    I am definitely not anywhere near "Jedi" level and have an extremely limited budget so i might not be able to do some of this course but i am looking forward to your next log update.

    ๐Ÿ“ Arduino & Model Boats 7
    4 years ago by ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง G6SWJ ( Midshipman)
    โœง 13 Views ยท 1 Like
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    Apologies to those interested in this topic for the long gap between posts - life got in the way!

    Summary of learning points so far:

    > Arduino is open source โ€“ anybody can make the boards
    > Arduino boards have inputs and outputs - analog (0-5v) and digital 0 or 5v
    > We use the IDE to write our code and upload it via a USB cable to the Arduino board
    > We need to tell the IDE which com โ€œportโ€ and type of Arduino board we are using
    > Programs are also known as sketches
    > Programs have 2 parts โ€“ SETUP runs once as the program starts and LOOP that runs continually
    > DOCUMENT code as you create it using // This is a comment
    > SAVE your code regularly using a new name each time, the name hints at what the program does โ€“ e.g. MyLedFlasher_001, MyLedFlasher_002, etc
    > Syntax โ€“ a set of language rules you must comply with
    >> Terminate lines with ;
    >> Use upper and lower case appropriately where needed
    >> Brackets always used in pairs โ€“ open and close
    > We can send text from the Arduino to the IDE Serial Monitor popup window by using the command Serial.print()

    Arduino has INPUTS and OUTPUTS

    In this post we will use an input 'state' to send some text to the IDE Serial Monitor popup

    The code below monitors the 'state' of one input pin (pin8) and depending on the 'state' of pin8 (HIGH or LOW) sends some text to the IDE Serial Monitor popup window.

    To make pin 8 HIGH I connect a jumper cable between the Ardunio 5v pin and pin 8
    To make pin 8 LOW I connect a jumper cable between the GND (ground or zero volt pin) and pin 8.

    When using Arduino you will regularly come across the concept of pins (both INPUT and OUTPUT) being HIGH or LOW.

    HIGH simply means that the pin is at 5 volts and LOW that the pin is at 0 volts (zero or GND (gound)) โ€“ NB Some Arduinoโ€™s are based around 3.3v logic not 5volt โ€“ Iโ€™ll cover this later

    HIGH = 5volts or logic value 1 (one)


    LOW = 0 volts or logic value 0 (zero)

    The HIGH or LOW are often referred to as โ€œlogic statesโ€

    To 'test' the logic state of the pin8 we will use the command digitalRead(8) โ€“ this will return one of two values โ€“ โ€˜1โ€™ = the pin is high @ +5v or โ€˜0โ€™ the pin is LOW @ 0v


    We need a way to work with the result 1 (HIGH) or 0 (LOW) - the result of the digitalRead(8)

    To do this we use the 'if' command.

    The 'if' command checks for a condition (e.g. =1) and executes some code only if the condition is 'true'.

    The code below will check if pin8 =1 and if true print text to the IDE Serial Monitor

    void setup() // put your setup code here, to run once:
    Serial.begin(9600); // start the serial communication
    pinMode(8, INPUT); // set the pin 8 as INPUT

    void loop() // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
    if (digitalRead(8)==1) // test if pin8 is HIGH (value of 1)
    // if the above condition is 'true' send the text
    // to the serial port which we can view in the IDE Serial Monitor

    Serial.println("Digital pin 8 is HIGH");


    A Youtube video link is attached that shows the output text in the IDE Serial monitor - it's not very exciting!

    Well done if you have made it here !! we now have enough building blocks in place with some minor additions to do some more meaningful stuff....


    ๐Ÿ“ Arduino & Model Boats 8 - Bilge Water Alarm
    4 years ago by ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง G6SWJ ( Midshipman)
    โœง 13 Views ยท 1 Like ยท 3 Comments
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    Here is the full code for a Bilge Water Alarm.

    If you have followed this thread you should be able to follow what's going on - the video is using the same code as posted below.

    Part of learning Arduino is uploading someone else's working code that you may not understand to your own Arduino board and then changing values etc and seeing what affect that has ....

    Jonathan _._

    + + + + + + + + + + + + +

    // Water Alarm 25/07/2020
    // Use 2 wire probes located in the area that may contain water, place them a few cm's apart
    // Connect one wire to a GND pin the other to Analog pin A0
    // To make the sound we connect a small piezoelectric sounder to pin 6 and GND

    int soundFreq = 700; // Sound frequency (in Hz)
    int soundStep = 50; // Sound frequency increment - to make the alarm sound vary in pitch we will increment the tone frequency when it is triggered

    const int ledPin = 13 ; // LED pin
    const int soundPin = 6; // Ouput pin 6 connected to our piezoelectric sounder device
    const int sensorPin = A0; // Simple piece of wire connected to pin A0 used as a probe located in area that may contain water

    uint16_t sensorValue = 0; // variable to store the analog pin value when it is read using command analogRead(pin) - value will be in the range 0-1023

    void setup() // Setup code - this runs once and sets up outpin etc.
    pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT) ; // define our ledPin as output
    pinMode(soundPin, OUTPUT); // define our soundPin as output
    pinMode(sensorPin, INPUT_PULLUP); // define our analog sensor pin as input - we are using pin A0
    //digitalWrite(A0, INPUT_PULLUP); // Set the default state

    void loop()
    sensorValue = analogRead(sensorPin); // Read the analog value of A0 - will return a value between 0 and 1023
    if (sensorValue > 1000) // test the analog sensor value now stored in variable "sensorValue" - if it's greater than 1000 then continue. If less than 1000 process the code defined by "else"
    digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);
    else // if the sensoValue is less than 1000 then process the code below
    digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH); // Turn on the LED by setting the ledPin to High (5v)

    // The code chunk below is used to make the frequency of the sound on the soundPin vary
    // By increasing frequency to a preset value and then decreasing to a preset value - it then repeats each loop up & down in frequency to shape the alarm sound
    tone(soundPin, soundFreq) ; // Set the soundPin to the value stored in soundFreq
    soundFreq = soundFreq + soundStep; // increment the soundFreq by adding the value stored in the variable named soundStep - if soundStep = 50 the frequency will increase / if soundStep = - 50 the frequency will decrease
    if (soundFreq == 1200) // test the soundFreq - if it's reached 1200 then
    soundStep = -50; // change value of soundStep to - 50

    if (soundFreq == 700) // test the soundFreq Value
    soundStep = 50; // change value of soundStep to 50

    delay(25); // pause 25ms
    digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW); // turn the led pin off (0v) by setting the value to LOW
    delay(25); pause 25ms

    Below is the same code but without comments - might make easier reading as displayed on the forum.

    int soundFreq = 700;
    int soundStep = 50;

    const int ledPin = 13 ;
    const int soundPin = 6;
    const int sensorPin = A0;

    uint16_t sensorValue = 0;

    void setup()
    pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT) ;
    pinMode(soundPin, OUTPUT);
    pinMode(sensorPin, INPUT_PULLUP);
    //digitalWrite(A0, INPUT_PULLUP);

    void loop()
    sensorValue = analogRead(sensorPin);
    if (sensorValue > 1000)
    digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);
    digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);
    tone(soundPin, soundFreq) ;
    soundFreq = soundFreq + soundStep;
    if (soundFreq == 1200)
    soundStep = -50;

    if (soundFreq == 700)
    soundStep = 50;

    digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);
    delay(25); pause 25ms

    ๐Ÿ’ฌ Re: Arduino & Model Boats 8 - Bilge Water Alarm
    4 years ago by ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง Martin555 ( Fleet Admiral)
    โœง 12 Views ยท 0 Likes
    Thank you Jonathan,
    I have never been very good when it comes to computers and that sort of thing.
    Following this thread will not be easy for me so please be prepared for me to ask a lot of silly questions.

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    ๐Ÿ’ฌ Re: Arduino & Model Boats 8 - Bilge Water Alarm
    4 years ago by ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง G6SWJ ( Midshipman)
    โœง 13 Views ยท 1 Like
    Hi Martin,

    Thank you for the question - I will make a post about data types, memory use, scope etc.

    In answer to your question:

    'int' - is a data type that allows you to store a whole number value from -32,768 to 32,767

    e.g. int myAge=21; ๐Ÿ˜‹

    The const keyword prefix stands for constant (read only).

    This means that the const variable can be used just as any other variable of its type, but its value cannot be changed

    A good use of a constant would be: date of birth or Pi

    const int dobYear = 1964;

    'const' is used in the code example where we have defined a variable name referring to hardware pin(s). e.g.

    const int ledPin = 13 ;

    Clearly we do not want a coding error to change a hardware pin reference in normal use as this would lead to malfunctioning! So it's a belt and braces approach to eliminate this type of error ocurring, just a nice approach to adopt when declaring pin references. Should any part of the code attempt to modify the 'const' you will get a compile error.

    Hope that helps
    ๐Ÿ’ฌ Re: Arduino & Model Boats 8 - Bilge Water Alarm
    4 years ago by ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง Martin555 ( Fleet Admiral)
    โœง 12 Views ยท 0 Likes
    Hi Jonathan,

    What is the meaning/difference between :-

    "int" and "const int"


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