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    EeZeBilts From Keil Kraft
    I use Draftsight. It is a free copy similar to
    and runs almost exactly the same. It has been free for years but as of December this year, the basic 2d package will be about ยฃ80 per year. The new version 19 is also 3d capable. I will purchase this package for work and see how it looks. I currently use Visi for 3d but only as a viewer. Very expensive. I am told that One Cad can be a useful tool. I have not tried it.
    5 years ago by MouldBuilder
    Where are they?
    2x too late for that Doug! Funny story, was doing an
    course at tech years ago with a bunch of guys, and we were having a wife similarity discussion during morning tea. It was amazing how alike all our wives/ girlfriends were! We were discussing hiding places and one guy told us, that one time he made a hundred dollars doing a small job for someone, told his wife he made twenty and gave his wife twenty saying she may as well have it โค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธ etc. Hid the rest in the inside pocket of an old sports jacket he hadn't worn for 10 years, which was in the back of a cupboard, and forgot about it. Months later he needed some money and suddenly remembered the stash, went to get it and found she'd left him five dollars change. ๐Ÿ˜ just shows ya, we're not that smart !
    5 years ago by jbkiwi
    3D Printing.
    HI Martin - think a lot of modellers buy cowl vents, guns . bollards , lifebelts , anchors etc , and for instance when building liners or similar large ships you find you have to make several hundred of the same item , easiest is to cast them from an original - so the 3d printer is just another tool - the same way the Laser is. What has made a real difference is the computer assisted drawing programs like Corel and
    . Without them the 3d printers & Lasers would be useless. In Corel and most others for instance you can zoom in to a drawing up to 45,000%. Gives you spurious accuracy as you could never actually cut that closely. Our laser for instance the cutline is about .3mm so when cutting small items you actually have to increase the size of the cutfile at narrow sections to allow for the width of the cut .
    5 years ago by redpmg

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