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    Cheap glue
    Re - Could you use it on the outside of a Balsa wood hull I don't think it would be sandable Martin, as it initially dries a bit soft and rubbery. Might be ok for lining the inside of a hull perhaps, very slimy and spreadable when wet. Slightly heavy, will go quite firm after a few months and harder as it ages, (a bit like
    chewing gum
    does) I've lined my galv bucket with it (which was getting a bit rusty from mixing cement) to see how well it stands up. I've also spread it on a 4x2 board outside to see how it holds up to the sun and rain. It could be quite useful as a ballast as I mentioned as it would also strengthen the hull once eventually set, (you would probably have to resin seal the hull first to prevent the petrol eating any glue) The goop remaining on my tug hull (around 45") went quite firm after a few months and made the hull really tough (only that and some 8oz cloth for the center 1/3 of the hull. Had no problem with it going out of shape. Worth a play to see what else you can do with it. I did a test with two 3"x 12"x3/4 pieces of dressed pine where I just glued about 3" on 1 end of each, let them tack off then clamped them overnight. took about 30lbs of pull to separate them by pulling on the non glued ends. Probably as good as commercial contact glue. Not sure how long it lasts ( my tug was still good after 5 yrs), but it's almost free, and might be useful if you run out of the proper stuff. I know you love re cycling Martin! JB
    5 years ago by jbkiwi
    Night Watch
    Very good Warrants๐Ÿ‘ Carry on. (๐Ÿ˜ฎ) Lt. Cmdr. Colin has the deck. Commodore Figtree will be in his stateroom if required, in extraordinary circumstances only!! Western Squadron (Texas Navy) is excused duty due to hurricane mopping up operations. SAN, RCN, ANZAC and RWN units are underway to fill in for Gulf & Caribbean Patrol duties until further notice. Welcome aboard POs Steve of the RAN and Elsrickle of the RWN. STANDING ORDERS: Steady as you go lads & lass. Don't rock the boat, Admiral's trying to sleep!! Sub Lt. DG is assigned to Special Undercover Shady Operations until further notice and thus will not appear on the duty roster. CLASSIF: MB-WEBSITE SECRET: Destroy this item before reading!! NEWS BULLETIN * Ken Thompson has earned his promotion to Warrant Officer, BRAVO ZULU Ken ๐Ÿ‘ * Construction problems and budget overruns with the Black Budget project "Evolution" are causing concern and are currently under investigation.๐Ÿ˜  Design Team, Chief Engineer and Exec VP of the yard are "assisting" enquiries. Commodore and I will do our best to keep it low key! Allocated resources may be diverted to other projects, depending on the outcome of the Board of Enquiry. * Latest Sea Plane Tender of the NZ Navy is nearing completion and we are awaiting Sea trial reports. Due to lack of seaplanes in the NZ Navy members PMDevlin and RNinMunich are being contacted with a request to provide support by supplying, on loan, two PBY Catalina Flying Boats, in order to justify the acquisition of the tender!๐Ÿ™„ * Sail Trainer Veronica is also nearing completion and we await sea trials with great anticipation. Rumours of the invention of Retsina flavoured
    chewing gum
    during the course of the boat's development have unfortunately proven to be Fake Newsโ˜น๏ธ * We also look forward to the future addition of Gemini G10 to augment our Logistic Supply Fleet!๐Ÿ˜‹ * Progress on our new, almost complete, Fleet Tug 'Taucher Wulf' has, understandably, been delayed due to hurricane Dorian. Update from CPO Cash Texas Navy ASAP. END OF BULLETIN. Signed: Doug, Fleet Admiral and Senior Nutter ๐Ÿ˜Ž
    5 years ago by RNinMunich
    Re: Veronica
    Sorry I didn't know the correct term Ken๐Ÿ˜Œ Wouldn't have occurred to me in a million years! Ship's I worked on didn't have sails! Although I did spend an interesting day on a large yacht in the Canary Isles. I was hanging off the foremast filming porpoises to port while Gisela was hanging over the starboard stern rail feeding her breakfast to the fish and gulls๐Ÿ˜ฎ Was too busy filming to notice what was going on on the mast! (Or on the stern๐Ÿค” Got a bit of flak for that ๐Ÿค•) It was the pic of the planing spanes(?) wrapped round the mast like 'thing' in the vice that triggered my thoughts. Saw something similar in a Blog here about a superb working model of USS Constitution some time ago. Think they were brass though, may be wrong, no one's perfect! Nice puzzle Ken ๐Ÿ‘ Cheers, Doug ๐Ÿ˜Ž PS "Wife not at home , Hence doing it in her sink, hehe " Aha! 'er indoors ---> 'er outdoors ----> mice will play! ๐Ÿ˜ Beware the wrath of a woman tricked! Hope she doesn't know your site password Ken!! Still like the idea of Retsina
    chewing gum
    5 years ago by RNinMunich

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