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    Lead Acid Battery Charging
    NOT from me (RNinMunich)! I just edited it to delete a previous comment of mine!
    Lead acid batteries
    should not be discharged and kept charged up as much as possible. Discharging these batteries will reduce their capacity. if they are kept for any length of time without a charge, they will not charge up again. To charge up these batteries use the same formula. However
    Lead acid batteries
    can cope with heavy currents and it is sometimes a good idea to charge them up with a higher current. Now and then charge them up with double the current as usual and for half the time. So for example, a 5000mA/h battery, should be charged on 1 Amp for 5 hours. Winter Storage To ensure they will be fine when next used make sure they have a top-up charge every couple of weeks. Half the length of time of a normal charge. DO NOT HAVE THE BATTERY ON A CONSTANT TRICKLE CHARGE! Large 12 v
    Lead acid batteries
    (e.g. old home security batteries) have a time constant of approx 4 hrs so need to be charged 5 x 4 hrs = 20 hrs. I leave mine on overnight which usually does the job, offload charged battery volts are approx 13.8 v.
    5 years ago by Tall Paul
    Lead Acid Battery Charging
    NOT from me (RNinMunich)! I just edited it to delete a previous comment of mine!
    Lead acid batteries
    should not be discharged and kept charged up as much as possible. Discharging these batteries will reduce their capacity. if they are kept for any length of time without a charge, they will not charge up again. To charge up these batteries use the same formula. However
    Lead acid batteries
    can cope with heavy currents and it is sometimes a good idea to charge them up with a higher current. Now and then charge them up with double the current as usual and for half the time. So for example, a 5000mA/h battery, should be charged on 1 Amp for 5 hours. Winter Storage To ensure they will be fine when next used make sure they have a top-up charge every couple of weeks. Half the length of time of a normal charge. DO NOT HAVE THE BATTERY ON A CONSTANT TRICKLE CHARGE! Large 12 v
    Lead acid batteries
    (e.g. old home security batteries) have a time constant of approx 4 hrs so need to be charged 5 x 4 hrs = 20 hrs. I leave mine on overnight which usually does the job, offload battery volts are approx 13.8 v.
    5 years ago by RNinMunich
    Lead Acid Battery Charging
    Lead acid batteries
    should not be discharged and kept charged up as much as possible. Discharging these batteries will reduce their capacity. if they are kept for any length of time without a charge, they will not charge up again. To charge up these batteries use the same formula. However
    Lead acid batteries
    can cope with heavy currents and it is sometimes a good idea to charge them up with a higher current. Now and then charge them up with double the current as usual and for half the time. So for example, a 5000mA/h battery, should be charged on 1 Amp for 5 hours. Winter Storage To ensure they will be fine when next used make sure they have a top-up charge every couple of weeks. Half the length of time of a normal charge. DO NOT HAVE THE BATTERY ON A CONSTANT TRICKLE CHARGE! Large 12 v
    Lead acid batteries
    (e.g. old home security batteries) have a time constant of approx 4 hrs so need to be charged 5 x 4 hrs = 20 hrs. I leave mine on overnight which usually does the job, offload battery volts are approx 13.8 v.
    5 years ago by Tall Paul
    Lead Acid Battery Charging
    Lead acid batteries
    should not be discharged and kept charged up as much as possible. Discharging these batteries will reduce their capacity. if they are kept for any length of time without a charge, they will not charge up again. To charge up these batteries use the same formula. However
    Lead acid batteries
    can cope with heavy currents and it is sometimes a good idea to charge them up with a higher current. Now and then charge them up with double the current as usual and for half the time. So for example, a 5000mA/h battery, should be charged on 1 Amp for 5 hours. Winter Storage To ensure they will be fine when next used make sure they have a top-up charge every couple of weeks. Half the length of time of a normal charge. DO NOT HAVE THE BATTERY ON A CONSTANT TRICKLE CHARGE!
    5 years ago by RNinMunich

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