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    Musical Christmas Tree Project
    Been busy building something a bit different recently. Thought I'd share with you all, merely from an engineering point of view some of you might be interested! We have a competition in work, for best Christmas display. Normally people just hang some tinsel here and there, but I took it a little more seriously... put my Arduino coding skills to use and made a whole Christmas tree, choreographed to music. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KYC_tO_LVlY&list=PLKBzmRZ7qj... Raising a little money for charity by doing it. https://JustGiving.com/UnileverTree Taken 6 months to make in my spare time, started back in June! Most of the ornaments I already had, but they needed cutting in half and the old lighting stripping out of them. The whole lot uses addressable LED's, so technically only 3 wires throughout (12v, GND & Signal). Birds nest is literally sticks from the forest hot glued together. Same with the logs. The forest floor is sand I had spare from putting a patio down last summer, again glued down. Tree's and little cars are from home bargains. The street lights, traffic lights and logo was all 3D printed. Then roads, roundabouts etc simply painted.
    is relatively simple, but to get all the timings right I did have to make some desktop
    that let me edit light effects in a time line, then export it all as Arduino code to load in. The Arduino has an MP3 breakout board attached, so any music can be loaded and played. 5 tracks in total on a loop, about 15 minutes worth. I'd like to have programmed 12 tracks, but ran out of time, maybe next year! There are also ribbon blowers at the top via drain pipes which I 3D printed centrifugal fans for. They work, but a little noisy so again something for next year! Hope you all enjoy too! Stephen
    4 years ago by fireboat
    Re: Oceanic refit
    Hi Guys Anybody out there has any experience of a QIDI X Pro 3D dual filament printer and Fusion 360 Design
    . This is being recommended to me as a possible way forward. Thoughts guys, please. Thanks Ian
    4 years ago by ikseno99
    Hi Pete , mni tx fer comments.
    I use is Powerdirector14 and the camera boats have been the Ripmax Tomkat , the Hobby king swampdawg and of course the Wee Nip itself. At one stage I stuck a fan on the back of the Wee Nip also .
    5 years ago by philcaretaker
    Recent Down Time
    ".....More concerning is that they are even scanning the databases... that does mean they're checking through all user data.............. I personally think it's wrong that they do this. Albeit a robot that does it..." Given the current move towards extensive web censorship by the Government, and the consequent legal impact on any site which is held to be in breach, I can see why your web host does this. They could well be following Government direction to do it. They may also be required to secretly report any suspicions they have, like the 'Prevent Duty' for schools. See https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/protecting-children-from-radicalisation-the-prevent-duty False positives from this are going to be fun... "....If spam is in the database, it's pretty harmless unless it's executed on the website and there are measures in place to prevent code from being surfaced...." I wouldn't think of Spam as being executable - if it is I would count that as Malicious
    , and I would have a policy of removing it to a safe repository immediately. And telling the Webmaster... There is a balance to be attained between being fairly safe from Web attacks, and being able to operate with minimum disruption. It is up to your host's security team to define and maintain that balance, and they really ought to gain customer agreement and involvement in how they do that.
    5 years ago by DodgyGeezer

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