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    Work with Balsa wood
    "....The trick is to feel how the plank likes to lay around a flare with the least stress, and go with that angle if poss...." Indeed. Woodworking's a skill, like riding a bicycle. You get to feel what the grain will let you do, and make use of the way it will move. You can see simple examples on other EeZeBilt plans, where items requiring extensive bending, like the transom of the Beaver tug, are required to be cut across the grain. ................ I remember back to the dawn of time, when there were still beam engines pumping water, the summers were blazing, the winters were white, 64k was as much core memory as anyone could possibly need and when you bought
    balsa sheets
    from the model shop the density was uniform throughout. ๐Ÿ˜ Nowadays machinery controls are non-intuitive graphics, any weather change is the subject of emergency alerts from the Met Office, you have gigabytes in a smart phone but no ability to control what goes where and when you buy balsa off the net it has bands of differing consistency along each sheet... ๐Ÿค‘
    5 years ago by DodgyGeezer
    EeZeBilts From Keil Kraft
    All the hard work would have now been done, if I had got the waterjets and had finished designing the stern. We will have to wait for that, as well as a delivery of balsa... But I have a couple of spare sheets of balsa and a few final parts, so I can give you a short sample of how things will go on from here while the machine is cutting them. We want to cut parts out of a 4"x36" balsa sheet so I draw up the boundaries, and fit the parts in at appropriate places (fig36). The sheet is oriented vertically, because that's how my CNC machine wants to see it, and the top right corner is positioned at 0:0, so I know where my origin is. Then I remove all the lines that I don't need to cut. Because I have lined up the long straight edges with the edge of the balsa, I don't need to cut along them. I don't need to cut the boundary lines either - so I have a rather odd drawing for final cutting as at fig37. From now on we don't need to look at any more drawings. I save just the bits I want to cut as a .DXF file - which is a standard CAD drawing format. Then I take this file and input it to a free software package called 'DXF2Gcode'. Which, you will not be surprised to hear, outputs instructions for cutting those lines in G Code, which is a standard language for controlling cutting tools. The language looks like this - my comments in brackets: G90 (Absolute programming) G21 (units in millimeters) G17 (We are working in the XY plane) G40 (Cancel automatic tool radius compensation.) G49 (Cancel tool length compensation.) G28 (go to the pre-programmed Zero position directly over the balsa sheet) G92 x0y0z0 (Set this position to Origin Zero. All distances will now be measured from here) G0 Z -10.000 (drop the cutting tool to height -10mm - just above the balsa) (*** LAYER: Layer1 ***) (* SHAPE Nr: 2 *) G0 X +0.000 Y -68.551 (go to the first place to start cutting) F60 (set the feed rate to 60) G1 Z -15.400 (drop the cutting tool through the z axis to height -15.4 - this cuts almost completely through the balsa, leaving just a thin web underneath to hold the part in place) G1 X -25.258 Y -68.525 (Move the cutting tool along the x,y axis to cut the first line) G1 X -25.255 Y -65.350 (Move the cutting tool along the x,y axis to cut the second line line) G1 X +0.000 Y -65.350 (Move the cutting tool along the x,y axis to cut the third line) G1 Z -10.000 (raise the cutting tool along the z axis out of the balsa) You can easily learn the basic commands - but you don't need to as DXF2Gcode just creates a working cutting file for you. Next, you put some balsa in the machine, turn it on and send the G Code commands to it. This is done with another free software package called 'G Code Sender'. The names are quite descriptive! I enclose some photos of what happens next, and a 'media file' (video) which, as you know, you download by clicking on it, and then clicking on the miniature little blue square on the top left of the screen. As you can see, there is very little dust with a thin cutting tool, and the sound from a 12v motor running at 10v is low. This was recorded with a camera within a foot of the cutting tool... After that, it's just an evening of taking the parts out of the
    balsa sheets
    , assembling them and gluing up...
    5 years ago by DodgyGeezer
    EeZeBilts From Keil Kraft
    For a simpler hull I would have done all the hard work now - for this one I might need to go back and start from the beginning if I find it doesn't work..... But anyway, here is the next instalment. From the plan and elevation views (fig20) I can take all the data about where the sheets cross, and where tabs may need to be put in. These are then marked and the egg-box structure (fig21) is just taken away. Easy to do this with a drawing package! So we are left with cutting lines for the top deck (fig22), the sides of the internal box (fig23) and the sub-deck (fig24). The decks are made with two
    balsa sheets
    to obtain the width. I have included a rear bulkhead (fig25) and a front former (fig26) to illustrate where these will go. Note that we now have much of the hull shape, and we haven't even specified the keel (which will need a few more tab cutouts from the sub-deck). For eezebilts the keel is often made in two parts - above the sub-deck and below. I am expecting assembly to follow this route: 1 - add bulkheads and box sides to subdeck. 2 - when glued, add front formers and keel top, and bend bow up. 3 - when glued, turn over and add keel bottom and bottom formers. Since the keel is not relied upon to add a lot of strength, it could just be a single sheet of 1/8" balsa. But I note that Martin used multiple sheets of plasticard to build his keel, and am wondering whether two bits of 1/8" should be glued together... Another thing we do at this point is check that the measurements of any large items don't exceed the maximum size of a sheet of balsa. And we can do a bit of thinking about where each item will come from - slight size adjustments might mean that we have less wastage when it comes to cutting... P.S. - actually, two pairs of centre tabs are not going to be needed, since those bulkheads will just be connected straight to the outside of the box and there need be no internal division. It's slips like this that make me end up putting out incorrect plans... ๐Ÿ˜ญ
    5 years ago by DodgyGeezer

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