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    Re: 40'' Seaplane Tender, new build Z7
    Many thanks jb for that info, good idea using
    s, as you can get them quite cheap on one of our markets, cotton as well!. Off on jolly hols next week, but will have a go on return, and post results.๐Ÿ˜ cheers Peter
    5 years ago by Rookysailor
    Re: 40'' Seaplane Tender, new build Z7
    Re - I discovered that some years ago while cleaning and restoring a 12" mode. It's amazing what the brain can come up with in certain situations. Imagine trying to program a computer to suddenly think of a solution like that, out of nowhere and in a nano second. People think computers are fast, -calculations definitely,- but to come up with a simple solution (like use your
    for sail material or covers) never! unless someone had programmed that particular solution in to give it a choice. They'll never take over, we're far to quick for them. ๐Ÿ˜Š They have their uses (I'd have to take a sailing ship to the Northern territories to talk to you guys) but we managed before! Buildings 100+yrs old are still standing but many designed using computers fall down!? JB
    5 years ago by jbkiwi
    Placing decals easier.
    We have all put a sticker or decal on crooked but if you don't know this little trick it might help alleviate future mistakes. A sign-writer taught me this trick a million years ago and you will notice its'use on many things. If you have a decal on a sheet backing, first carefully peel 1/2 the length of the decal off the backing (front of decal flat on table,- hold decal down with thin modeling knife or similar if necessary- NOT FINGERS) while holding backing up and un-peeled side down with left hand , cut lifted backing in half (near where it's still attached, then carefully re-apply to decal (same non stick side down). Draw a faint SOFT pencil line where you want the decal on the model (or whatever) for the lower edge of the decal and the left hand start of the decal. Line up the decal and hold down the original unpeeled side firmly. Flip the previously peeled (and re-stuck) side back and start peeling the backing again from the cut while gently rolling the decal on as you peel, holding the right hand end . When almost at the end, completely remove backing and smooth decal from center out with a folded
    or similar. Do the same thing with the original side and now your decal should be dead straight. Practice makes perfect.
    5 years ago by jbkiwi

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