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    The last gadget to be added to complete the Crash Tender refit is the searchlight. The body is made from a short piece of 15mm copper water pipe. A domed piece of copper soldered to one end closes off the body. The tube is just the right size to take a 1W LED and lens. The front cap was made from a ring of copper cut from a Yorkshire fitting which slides over the body of the light. Two small nuts (8BA) soldered 180 degrees apart on the circumference of the body provide mounting and pivot points. The body is mounted to a U shaped brass bracket which in turn is soldered to a brass tube. In addition to being able to rotate the searchlight, I wanted the challenge of making it elevate. A mechanism mounted under the wheelhouse roof provides both the rotation and elevation mechanics. A small servo provides the rotation function. Two plastic gears, salvaged from a defunct
    inkjet printer
    , couple the servo to the brass searchlight mounting tube. The gear ratio gives the searchlight a rotation of 270 degrees. To provide the elevation function, a pushrod passes through the centre of the searchlight mounting tube. As this pushrod is moved up and down, it adjusts the elevation of the light via a wire connected to an arm on one of the searchlight pivots. The pushrod is hollow and tapped with an M2 thread. A length of M2 studding threaded into the end of the pushrod is rotated by a small stepper motor. As the motor rotates the studding pushes or pulls on the pushrod, thus elevating the light. A small scratch built electronic module converts the demand from a receiver channel into step commends for the stepper motor. The motor was salvaged from an old floppy disk drive. The completed assembly was primed and then painted with Tamiya Gunmetal Grey. The LED is driven from an RC switch and constant current source and is quite bright, even in full sunlight. Graham93
    4 years ago by Graham93
    Hintsand tips - Decals made easy
    If anyone is looking for a cheap easy way to make any decals of photos name plates, designs etc, here is an idea you might find useful. I use a waterslide decal paper on which you can print anything you design, draw etc on your
    inkjet printer
    . I buy this paper from a company in Australia for around $30 NZ for 10 A4 sheets. You can buy clear or white. What you do is just print your design, photo, text etc onto the paper (plastic waterslide coated), let the ink dry, spray with either a clear lacquer or Helmar clear (the best), allow to dry, trim,soak in warm water as usual and apply. This material is quite tough and will not tear easily and you can spray lacquer over it to seal it on the model. It is a similar stuff as sold by Testors in a kit but is a lot more cost effective. I've included some examples of decals I've made for my boats and planes . For small decals you can cut a small piece a bit bigger than your design, print your picture on A4 to see where it will come on the page, sellotape the piece of decal paper over the print, (tape horizontally top and bottom) put the page back in the printer with the same orientation as is was, and print onto your decal. This saves wasting a whole sheet of decal paper which cannot be re used. If you find a nice clear sharp design it will come out nicely on the decal
    5 years ago by jbkiwi

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