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    Re: Yorkshire Man Tug
    Nice work Sub. ๐Ÿ‘ Get the crew off their b**s and working though!๐Ÿ˜ Have fun with the 'Tank Steering'. I prefer to use a
    , leaves a hand free for the MaรŸkrug!๐Ÿ˜‹ I sail next to the Biergarten in the Ostpark here ๐Ÿ˜‰ Cheers, Doug ๐Ÿ˜Ž
    5 years ago by RNinMunich
    Rother class lifeboat. (1.12)
    A few years ago I purchased an Alice Upjohn kit from Tony Green Steam models. This was for the most part a Metcalf Mouldings kit. I have spent a lot of time on it but am struggling to make much progress and as a result have lost interest and want to persue a different type of build which I prefer, namely plank on frame. The kit is 'more' than complete for as well as the kit it also has a crew of 3 unpainted, 2 MFA 4.5-15v motors, brass props as a replacement for the white metal ones, Futuba S3003 servo, Planet PLAR06100 receiver and an action-electronics P94 dual esc/
    multi controller. All these bits brand new and still in the boxes or wrappers. It comes with instructions, parts list and plans and sits nicely on a lovely varnished wooden stand. Is anybody interested making me a sensible offer for this kit, I can provide photos for anybody interested. Thanks for looking regards ChrisG I need the space that this model is taking up so have put it on that very well known auction site e..y, I am sorry none of the modellers on here wanted to take advantage of a bargain. Happy modelling to all.
    5 years ago by ChrisG
    Mixing throttle and rudder
    Thanks. I'll have a play with those Tx settings when I get the boat back on the water, hopefully next week. Currently in dry dock being re-painted. I think the expo setting for the throttle should be useful. While waiting for the paint to dry between coats, I have put together a
    which, if I have it right, monitors the rudder demand and uses it to impose a maximum value on the throttle input to the ESC. As the turn gets sharper, the maximum throttle demand to the ESC is gradually reduced. That should stop me hitting a turn too quickly.
    5 years ago by Graham93
    Dual ESC &
    I have 2 of the Action-Electronics P94โ€™s and they work great, a neat package containing 2 20amp ESCโ€™s and a rudder
    , problem is there so erratic in their availability, anyone aware of an alternative? Iโ€™ve used separate ESCโ€™s and a forge electronics
    , works but not as neat...
    5 years ago by Shopper
    Re: Fitting shafts and motors
    All's well .... ๐Ÿ‘ After I bought my Dual Quicrun I found the Action Electronics Dual ESC with rudder
    AND output for a 3rd (centre) motor ๐Ÿ˜  Natch more expensive but ideal for MTBs / PTBs! Have fun Pete, Cheers, Doug๐Ÿ˜Ž
    5 years ago by RNinMunich
    WTC/Sub Driver.
    Hi Guys, Just a little update on the home made WTC. Tested in Bug Blue, I had to add a little weight under the tube and held it there with elastic bands. It floated level so I submerged and surfaced it quite a few times and worked fine.(no leeks) But the battery on charge until fully charged. Unfortunately when I temporarily fitted it in my Gato and connected the universal joints to the prop shafts, then I ran both propellers forward and reverse slowly at first then at full revโ€™s, it sounded like a cement
    full of rocks and extremely loud. So I switched it all off had a cup of Coffee then went back to it , I switched it on but nothing happened. I have had a quick look at it and the battery and fuse is ok. (I suspect the remote switch) I will have to open it up to investigate further but I am doing other things that the moment so as soon as I get the chance I will. One of the photos is the WTC on the surface the other submerged, you can see in the submerged photo the ballast party balloon full of water. Martin.
    5 years ago by Martin555
    Fairmile c class maiden voyage
    hi there Chewi having read through your postings and watching your video - I am not sure if you have the ACTion P94 set up correctly. You should be able to spin that model round on the spot as the P94 contains a rudder motor
    built into it. However, be warned, the P94 doesnt like certain 2.4 transmitter sets. Basically, you have to set your transmitter back to zero manufacture settings with no mixing at all on your transmitter to get it working - and - its all done in the ESC - I have built several triple screw vessels myself - the RAF63and the MTBs and basically what I used to do there is use the old Electronize speed controllers from the 90s which dont have the pre-programmed chips in them so that I could switch the signal on and off to the speed controller, thus allowing me to control the centre prop by switching the signal off and on. So, when I wanted speed I ran on all 3 props but when I wanted to manouvre I switched the centre prop off and allowed the 2 outboard motors to spin the vessel with the rudders, using
    s. In this particular model - I would ditch the gelcel battery and go for a Ni-MH battery and the 9.6 volt 500 mAh - 3 of these batteries one for each motor should give you ample run time. John
    5 years ago by JOHN
    Re: HMS Cottesmore in 1/48 scale.
    Hi Doug, I will not be using any
    s, it will be entirely up to the captain weather he choose to manoeuvre with rudders,props,bow thruster or all three.
    5 years ago by Martin555
    Re: HMS Cottesmore in 1/48 scale.
    Excellent work Martin๐Ÿ‘ Very service friendly (Once again proving the old adage- 'If you fail to plan then you plan to fail'!) and excellent detailing. I have made some wt doors for my HMS Hotspur in very similar fashion. Do you use a rudder
    with the twin ESCs or rely on the bow thruster? You're getting the hang of Blogging pretty quickly I see. Nice style. Keep it up. Cheers, Doug ๐Ÿ˜Ž
    5 years ago by RNinMunich
    Noodle Jet Boat
    "........there isnโ€™t a huge amount of swivel on the buckets, was thinking of putting a
    in rather than a rudder?, I suppose itโ€™s just trial and error.... ...." If you put a small 'dagger plate' on the keel, like the power racers do, that will improve the turning no end....
    5 years ago by DodgyGeezer
    Noodle Jet Boat
    Hi John, yes, there isnโ€™t a huge amount of swivel on the buckets, was thinking of putting a
    in rather than a rudder?, I suppose itโ€™s just trial and error....
    5 years ago by Shopper
    MTB patrol boat
    Vosper thorneycroft MTB, twin prop with
    5 years ago by Shopper
    Transmitter Mode 2
    Hi Rowen Thanks for tip ๐Ÿ‘ I'll give that a try when I get back from Spain mid April. Off to Malaga on Monday โ˜€๏ธโ˜€๏ธ I agree. Two stick control is great for tanks, only practical solution! But hopeless for boats, especially at high speed. So far even my twin screw boats all run off one ESC, BUT I now have 3 and 4 screw ships as well. So I'll be experimenting with the P94 dual ESC / Rudder
    from Action / Component Shop. Which can also run a third motor through an external ESC. How do you control your centre motor using this mix arrangement? I have a digital subscription to Model Boats mag. Which issue is your article in?? Cheers, Doug๐Ÿ˜Ž
    5 years ago by RNinMunich
    Transmitter Mode 2
    Hi JK, Mode 1, Mode 2? Pooh pooh! I have the German branded version of the i6, also a Spektrum D6 and a Graupner MC-10 40Meg set (for my subs๐Ÿ˜‰). I use a simple convention on all of them. Throttle and rudder are both on the right stick, channels 1 and 2 respectively. ALL aircraft special functions and
    s are switched OFF. Connect ESC and rudder servo to the corresponding outputs at the RX and away you go. Regardless of which Mode the TX thinks it is. This means that I can control the boat with one thumb. Leaving the other hand free for the special function pots and switches, or the Bierkrug๐Ÿ˜‹ I sail at the Ostpark Lake here in Munich, sitting at the edge of the Biergarten on the bank of the lake ๐Ÿ˜ See pic of my usual corner. My TX can be set to either Mode 1 or 2. I left in Mode 1. Mode 1 or mode 2 doesn't matter, unless some sets have the self centring stick built in on the left. Even these can be swapped over to the right. Or use the left thumb for navigating! Only minor irritation with this setup; on all the modern 2.4Gig sets designed for the fly boys, is that on switch-on the TX still demands that the throttle,which it 'thinks' is left stick, is pulled down or it won't boot โ˜น๏ธ Safety feature for aircraft motors! No chopped fingers๐Ÿ˜ฎ Haven't found a way to switch this off yet. It's embedded in the firmware.๐Ÿค” Cheers, Doug๐Ÿ˜Ž
    5 years ago by RNinMunich
    Mtronics W-tail marine
    Hi John, thanks for the help, model shop in Hereford said that they should set up the same on the basic channels. Apparently the A or H in the series number referred to either aircraft or helicopter. Thanks again for your help with this issue. Cheers Colin.
    6 years ago by Colin H
    Mtronics W-tail marine
    Have decided to remove the vintage rc gear from my recent acquisition and put in 2.4ghz system, I am hoping to be able to control the 2 motors via 2 ESC's and Mtronics w-tail
    , (which I already have) but I have don't have any instructions or diagrams for fitting it. Can anyone help me please. BTW it will be a 6 volt system. Thanks in advance Colin.
    6 years ago by Colin H
    Mtronics W-tail marine
    Thanks Dodgy, I'll give it a go. Cheers Colin.
    6 years ago by Colin H
    Mtronics W-tail marine
    Things will be a bit up in the air with the Hobbico bankrupcy. But Horizon Hobby have taken over Futaba distribution - see https://www.futabarc.com/contact.html They advise chasing Futaba USA for anything further - so these people might be the best to ask: https://futabausa.com/contactus/ Don't buy poor photocopies of manuals at exorbitant prices without checking with the manufacturer first....
    6 years ago by DodgyGeezer
    Mtronics W-tail marine
    hi ya Colin - I had a good look round the web to try and find the instructions manual for your Futaba FP-T7 UPH and it keeps coming up with the links that I have already posted but there are also one or two links which the firewall wont allow me to open - it says its got virus' on - so I wonder what that one is. I did come across an auction site - not Ebay - that had one for sale with the instructions and if you look at the instructions they are similar/same as the link I have already posted. So, I am wondering are these instructions for the two sets of transmitters - and possibly the one you have is an upgrade. I see on Ebay there is someone in USA who sells manuals on CD for around ยฃ8 if you desperate. Of all the transmitter manuals I have looked for this one is an oddball one for finding the manual. Happy days. John
    6 years ago by JOHN
    Mtronics W-tail marine
    Thanks John, can't find the one for the 7UHP version though. Have a 7UAP set as well with the manual, some of function's are different but the set up should be the same. Cheers Colin.
    6 years ago by Colin H
    Mtronics W-tail marine
    Hi Colin try this link http://manuals.hobbico.com/fut/7uafs-7uaps-manual.pdf john
    6 years ago by JOHN
    Mtronics W-tail marine
    John can you please tell us the li k for the manual download for the FUTABA FP-T7UHP TRANSMITTER. Thanks Colin.
    6 years ago by Colin H
    Mtronics W-tail marine
    Thanks John, that's what I was thinking of trying, finally getting my head around the details of the mixing at source. I have another old futaba set with mixing as well, which I used for a Lancaster and found that by controlling ort and starboard motors via mixing made it a really stable flyer. Just hope it will work as well on my boats as I have a couple of fast launches with twin motors to get restored and back on the water. Thanks for all the help from everyone and especially you and Dodgy. Cheers Colin
    6 years ago by Colin H
    Mtronics W-tail marine
    I have just spent a couple of mins downloading and reading through the manual for your transmitter, Colin and I see you have limited mixing similar to the old Futaba 6A models. if it were me (going back to your original question) I would use this transmitter with a new receiver and fit these into your model and use tank steering as in the 4th diagram on that little image I put on of the electrical layouts. Very simple and straightforward. I think its channel 2 on your right hand stick used for rudder.
    6 years ago by JOHN
    Mtronics W-tail marine
    Well spotted Dodgy, it's just one of a few old sets I have from my flying days that's an easy conversion to 2.4ghz with a plug in module, which I have, with matching recievers. I have a few 27mhz and 40mhz sets as well, it's just a matter of choosing one that's not in use with one of my other models. I have systems up to 40 years old and and still fully working, so I don't spend on new when I have so much good stuff to choose from, also my specialty is collecting and restoring (for use) vintage models. I also take them to display at vintage shows in the summer. Cheers Colin.
    6 years ago by Colin H
    Mtronics W-tail marine
    I'm not a Futaba specialist, but isn't that the Helicopter version of the FP-7? if so, it will have a lot of settings and features which will be 'very confusing' to a marine modeller...
    6 years ago by DodgyGeezer
    Mtronics W-tail marine
    Here is the transmitter I intend to use, with a 2.4ghz module fitted. Not decided on the RX yet as need to get in the attic to look in my radio spares box. But it will be a 6 channel set, as that is what I have. Cheers Colin.
    6 years ago by Colin H
    Mtronics W-tail marine
    Its really quite simple modern radio systems are computerised so you can do all the mixing you want from the transmitter. No need to buy
    s for the receiver end. Setting things up the first time you do it is confusing I agree but once you have a grip on things it becomes more simple. The good thing about using a modern system is that you can change things on the fly and even have different mixes selectable on the same model and change while your sailing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yq_H9vzCz8g there is a video so you can see what I am talking about.
    6 years ago by Haverlock
    Mtronics W-tail marine
    hi there Colin - to stop confusion and people suggesting things that are totally 'confusing' ๐Ÿ˜Š 1. What type of 2.4 transmitter do you have, what make and how many channels. 2. Can you put a photograph of your rudder servo in the model and the actual plug that fits into the receiver. This servo may not be compatible with what you are trying to do.
    6 years ago by JOHN
    Mtronics W-tail marine
    Well now I'm totally confused. Please Simplify I'm a beginner with the electrics. Cheers Colin.
    6 years ago by Colin H
    Mtronics W-tail marine
    just to add to the fun and games of this thread rather than looking at aftermarket
    s why not go the whole hog and get something like the taranis system. You can mix channels at will and proportionate relationships. This means you can tailor the responses on the mixed channels.
    6 years ago by Haverlock
    Mtronics W-tail marine
    My boat was already built with twin motor drive. So I will stick with what I have, may even keep the original rc gear and esc, servo if I locate a transmitter that will operate it successfully. But I thank you for your input, cheers Colin.
    6 years ago by Colin H
    Mtronics W-tail marine
    Hi Colin I use 1 motor to power both paddle wheels on my paddler like Roy but as the steering is a little challenging I have a clear plastic rudder extension that I fix onto the rudder with elastic bands only when sailing the craft. This assists steering and when the model is on display at home or whatever the extra bit of rudder is easily removed. Not a technical solution but it works and is almost invisible. Regards Chris G
    6 years ago by ChrisG
    Mtronics W-tail marine
    Hi in the old days before
    s i seem to remember micro switches arranged one either side of the rudder helm When steering reached full helm one motor was switched out Cheers Ian
    6 years ago by TOWN3810
    Mtronics W-tail marine
    Hi Colin, I have just been catching up on this commentary which was prompted by your initial question. in running my 'Forceful' tug I found that varying paddle speeds, i.e. a
    , is unnecessary for steering. I run it with the paddles at the same speed, and the rudder handles the steering alone just fine. I wonder if you have run your model, and confirmed that you have to vary paddle speeds to turn? if so, another option is to replace the rudder with a bigger one. Roy
    6 years ago by Trillium
    Mtronics W-tail marine
    Thanks John, good link, I will have to save the pennies to get an all in one unit. Cheers Colin.
    6 years ago by Colin H
    Mtronics W-tail marine
    hi ya Doug, I think you may find there is a difference between the 20 amp and 10 amp version of the P94 other than aluminium heat sink. Circuit board is slightly different as well ๐Ÿ‘ John
    6 years ago by JOHN
    Mtronics W-tail marine
    Hi ya Colin I am going to post a link which I hope will explain about tank steering and other various forms of steering. Also, I will post a little pic on which is from the same site. by the way, I don't think any of us stop learning about modelling - no matter how long we have been doing it. it is on par of us understanding women we never will ๐Ÿ˜Š . https://www.modelboatmayhem.co.uk/Common/Electrics/Twin_motors.htm
    6 years ago by JOHN
    Mtronics W-tail marine
    Thanks John, so much to think about, I will have to do some more research, your set up looks good, my motor's are gear drive to the paddles. They run at the same speed on one or two ESC's. if I use two sticks on the tx for tank steering what happens with the rudder. Sorry for my ignorance, multi motor control is very new to me. I'm still learning, with the help of the this site and the knowledge that the members are willing to share with us. Cheers Colin.
    6 years ago by Colin H
    Mtronics W-tail marine
    hi ya Colin, sorry for the delay - but I am going to open up a can of worms here. Although a lot of people use the 'Y' tail or the 'W' tail
    from MTroniks or other Companies to actually mix two speed controllers and a rudder movement in the marine environment, (personally) I don't think this is effective as a dedicated marine
    . The reason for this, is, I built the Forceful tug a little while ago and I incorporated the 'W' tail
    in it for independent control of the 2 paddles and the rudder and when this model did 'sea trials' ๐Ÿ˜Š on the lake & in the test tank (the bath) ๐Ÿ‘I was never 100% happy with this. it didn't seem to perform quite right, especially in reverse. The model seemed to go better in one direction than the other. One motor always seemed to lead the other motor so therefore the model would steer off course and you were always correcting it. When I eventually checked the speed of each motor individually with a tachometer I found that one motor was indeed increasing in revs so - I took out the 'W'
    and went for tank steering (using 2 individual sticks on the transmitter). This was a lot better and saved the day at the lake. Then I wend and had a look at what
    s are available and yes there is the ACTion P94 which in my eyes is extremely expensive - but - there are one or two on Ebay market but also there is a guy called Alan Bond he runs a company called Forge Electronics and they make an independent
    which I use myself. I find it extremely good. ๐Ÿ‘ the name of the game though is for yourself to try setting up the 'W' tail
    and playing around with it or you could look at individual
    s that do not have the speed controllers built in with them i.e. there is one from ACTion as well, there is one from Forge and as I say there are 2 or 3 off the web market place. Have a look - here are a couple of pics of the Forceful and my set up. The speed controllers I am using in this tug are Electronize and it's Alan Bond's original
    which used to be sold from Technobots - but he opened up business on his own and I will put a link on when I find it. http://www.forge-electronics.co.uk/ http://www.forge-electronics.co.uk/
    6 years ago by JOHN
    Mtronics W-tail marine
    Mornin' Colin, Correct, I was referring to the P94 version. BTW: the 20A version is only the 10A version with heat sinks added to the power transistors! I figured it wasn't worth 10 quid for a few chunks of ally so I made my own! ๐Ÿ˜‰ Trust that the tests showed you still have blood!! ๐Ÿ˜ Cheers, Doug ๐Ÿ˜Ž
    6 years ago by RNinMunich
    Mtronics W-tail marine
    Thanks Doug, I will have to put one on my birthday list, only 5 weeks away. Last comment on your message I assume you are talking about the all in one system. Just off to the quacks for my 4 weekly blood tests. Bye for now. Cheers Colin.
    6 years ago by Colin H
    Mtronics W-tail marine
    Evenin' Colin, Understand. But; Not sooooo expensive when you consider that you are effectively getting 2 ESCs in one compact board, plus the rudder
    . With the Mtronics gizmo you still need the separate ESCs, which also makes the wiring messier!๐Ÿค” Taycol and converter board are packed up and will be on it's way to you per DHL this week. Ought to be with you before April!!๐Ÿ˜‰ Look forward to the pics of the Commander renovation. The paddler looks neat as well๐Ÿ‘ Cheers, Doug ๐Ÿ˜Ž PS there are also outputs for controlling Smokers or Sound Modules on the AC board.
    6 years ago by RNinMunich
    Mtronics W-tail marine
    Thanks Doug, So right for the job, but so expensive, I am trying to use what I have or can get cheaply. As you know I am rubbish with electronics. This is for my latest aquisition, a vintage model paddle Steamer with individual paddle motors and a rudder. The old system of a digimax 4 needs updating. How's the taycol coming on, my first big show is at Easter and I was hoping to include the Sea Commander. Cheers Colin.
    6 years ago by Colin H
    Mtronics W-tail marine
    Hi Colin, Try this version, P94 for brushed motors, from Action Electronics at Component Shop. Only throttle and rudder inputs with automatic mixing. I have one of these I intend to use for my long thin destroyer, or maybe the Graf Spee. Or the P40 for Brushless, same operating principle. https://www.componentshop.co.uk/action-electronics/
    s-multifunction.html. I may get one of these for my PT109. heers, Doug ๐Ÿ˜Ž
    6 years ago by RNinMunich
    Mtronics W-tail marine
    Thanks Ian. I'll get in touch with them. Good thoughts, but with my rheumatism I think controlling 2 motors separately and also the rudder would be quite difficult for me. Cheers Colin
    6 years ago by Colin H
    Mtronics W-tail marine
    Hi Colin will this help john
    6 years ago by JOHN
    Mtronics W-tail marine
    Hi Mtronix provide excellent after sales service on their products 01943 461482 They will provide a wiring diagram But why not control each esc from 2 separate channels on your transmitter and forget complex
    s Just a thought or it might be the wine talking again Cheers Ian
    6 years ago by TOWN3810
    Schnellboot Radio control setup 3 Mtroniks M400 marine Motors (running at 12V, at maximum efficiency it will run at around 20,000 Rpm and pull around 4 amps. Start-up current depending on prop size (30mm on 4mm prop shaft) would be around 10amps (6-12 volts) 3 Mtroniks Viper marine 15 ESCs connected using Mtroniks W-tail
    with 10-amp fuses used between ESC and batteryโ€™s Batteries are 1 Carson 2100 MAH High performance NiMH battery pack 2 Vanquish 22oo MAH NiMH battery pack All Batteries are 7.2 V I have tested the set -up all the ESC are synchronised, and all seems well on the bench but when I try it in test tank all the fuses blow, and I check all connections and there are not short circuits on the connections or switches can anyone help
    6 years ago by teejay
    Hi, I'm doing some (a lot) of research before embarking on a Bristol Pilot build. My attention has now turned to controlling the twin fore sails. A helpful guy at my club mentioned using a '
    '. Anyone who has controlled two foresails and/or a genoa on a racing yacht may have some ideas here - any welcome. But my initial question is about terminology. Reading my Futaba handbook - a truly excellent translation ๐Ÿ˜ก- I find two terms under the
    section - 'OFS' and 'VR' - any idea what they mean? For interest, the problem is that the front sail overlaps the rear 'foresail' so we can not simply attach a sheet to the front sail to drag it to a 'tight' position as this may tangle with the rear foresail. The second problem is that if the foresail is out to the port, the drum winch must turn anticlockwise to haul it in, whereas when it is to starboard the winch must turn clockwise. I do love these problems, but desperately need help. If its only someone telling me not to be stupid and just lket the foresail hang loose - I'm not racing afterall๐Ÿ‘ Sam
    6 years ago by sam

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