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    Electrics 2
    Some of the circuits I built on veroboard board using circuit drawings I found on the net. Steam
    sound generator
    is MRW, whistle, single and quad switch are from action. Voltage regulars I built, drive switching circuitry for pump, smoke generator, d/f and Morse lamp. I built also the cycle timers for d/f,Morse lamp and boiler fire lights. So I donโ€™t get too mixed up with all the bits. The engine sound, smoke generator, boiler fire lights and water pump come on when prop runs forward or reverse, the d/f and Morse have each got a cycle timer of different times and run only when prop runs forward. Then the only things I need to switch are the lights on quad switch and single switch for the sound. Motor, rudder, anchor and quad switch are on joysticks so still have a spare channel at the moment. I would like to make my on quad switch and
    sound generator
    s but canโ€™t find circuit drawing anywhere.
    4 years ago by Elsrickle
    Re: Exhaust Smoker
    Hi JB, I was thinking of a simple artificial
    sound generator
    as that isnโ€™t too difficult to put together. I think it would just be a bit more software in the revised controller Iโ€™m putting together. However, Iโ€™ve just been browsing my favourite on-line store and found this. There also seem to be plenty of sound files available on the www to download. Would undoubtedly sound better, but unfortunately it will have to go on my ever increasing โ€˜to doโ€™ list๐Ÿ˜‰ Graham93
    5 years ago by Graham93
    Battery backup
    The web is full of low-battery detection circuits - including those with latchable switching to stop the circuit turning back off when the main battery recovers voltage as it is rested. See the link below.https://www.google.co.uk/search?client=opera&q=low-battery+detection+circuits&sourceid=opera&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8 An alternative approach might be to detect, not the dropping of a voltage to some specific level, but the actual failure of the R/C signal at the servo due to low voltage. You can do this with a 555 easily enough and less than half a dozen components - this is often used to drive a
    sound generator
    to find a missing aircraft (just turn off the radio), or some other failsafe action. For instance http://www.circuitstoday.com/missing-pulse-detector-circuit-using-ne555 A latchable missing pulse detector coupled to a switch to add a single C NiMH battery to the main power (and an LED warning) would let you get the absolute maximum out of a battery and then boost the voltage sufficiently for a short home run. That is, if you want to run your batteries down to their limits and you are running on such a low voltage that the BEC is the first thing to go. You could also take pulses off the prop-shaft if you didn't mind the circuit switching in whenever the boat stopped.... ๐Ÿ˜Š Usually, a boat running slowly would be the best indication to come in and change batteries....
    5 years ago by DodgyGeezer

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