Several decades ago, so far back that internet was a new thing, I was excited to find that model shops in overseas magazines were starting to advertise websites. On one of my browses I came across the 32nd parallel site, and was very taken by the VS-8 hydrofoil.
It was beyond my ability to justify the expense at that time, but it stayed in my mind for many years. When I finally decided that I might look at it again, 32nd parallel had disappeared.
Several years after that when I had found ebay and google search - I decided to set up a few searches, in the hope that a part finished kit would pop up somewhere at a reasonable price.
Well last week, just as I got my credit card balance down to where I wanted it, a new VS-8 kit, still sealed in bags and with full manual and blueprints popped up on ebay for $600. Needless to say it has now started its long journey to me in New Zealand. Unfortunately it will not be able to go to the front of the queue, but certainly looking forward to finally having one in my hands.
Does anyone have experience with modern hardware for this model. Apparently weight to power is a big issue.
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