I bought the Dean's Marine kit of the Motor Gun Boat from Harrow model shop in the early 90s. I set to and built it without any problems, and it was soon on the water. It was a lovely model to sail, both at my home water (Black Park, near Slough) and at the various open events I took it to over the next 2 or 3 years. Sadly, I sold the model when I moved abroad in 1996.
Nearly 30 years later, I still missed that boat, so bought another kit at Dean's Marine Christmas open day a couple of weeks ago.
I plan to get it finished ready for the better weather of the late spring.
Quite a few of the cast resin & white metal parts in the kit are in the process of being replaced by Dean's with 3D printed versions, and I am looking forward to preparing them to fit the model.
I am attaching a few pictures of my first MGB, the static pictures were taken in my daughters' paddling pool, the action shot was taken at Black Park.
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