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๐ Full Steam Ahead
11 months ago by
๐ฌ๐ง Andi1 (

Master Seaman)
Great stuff, I'm interested in what people are doing with the Inga IV to give me some ideas what to do with it๐
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๐ Full Steam Ahead
11 months ago by
๐ฌ๐ง Andi1 (

Master Seaman)
Inga IV, I'd love to see your progress as I am sorting one out.
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๐ Lipo vs Li-ion
11 months ago by
๐ฌ๐ง Andi1 (

Master Seaman)
Atomizers if using dyed water would the vapour give the coloured effect? Lipos in boats or any electrical connection, is best positioned in a raised position away from any water trail, say water gets in through an hole,gap,crack,shaft it will ultimately settle in the lowest point it can get to, so you can have a fair amount of water slopping around in the boat before you have submerged electrics I don't like getting any water in my boats! But guess what it often has a presence in them, so far the only time I had an issue was when I sailed a yacht which had a 3" crack in the gunwale I think this happened when the boat caught some wind and fell off it's stand, I didn't see it?? But the only issue was the nimh receiver pack got wet, and the old standard rudder servo cable grommet let water in, once home dryed the battery in warm air flow, stripped the servo and cleaned regressed sealed it after making sure all moisture was gone put it all back together and had no issues at all, typically low powered stuff may show malfunction when wet but turn it off asap! And thoroughly dry it out don't rush it, further damage may occur if you persistently power things up before they are moisture free! Higher voltage may cause more issues but 4.8 To 7.4 v isn't too bad, but say system like 6-8s pulling big amps, through expensive electrics may be a different issue but a little dampness is not a big issue you just have to sort it out.
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๐ Lipo vs Li-ion
11 months ago by
๐ฌ๐ง Andi1 (

Master Seaman)
I will have a look when I get chance.
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๐ Lipo vs Li-ion
11 months ago by
๐ฌ๐ง Andi1 (

Master Seaman)
You can get deep black smoke with light oil I've made a couple of scale smokers from vape parts I've even made my own coils to choose my voltage coupled to a timer circuit board doing a sequence of on off on you program how many seconds you want each phase to work, so I set 2secs on 4secs off 2secs on gave me a two puff smoke effect, they issue was a vape coil has a set voltage so can burn out easily so i made my own coils from nichrome wire, but it feels odd to me putting an heat source (fire) in the boat so I use atomizers instead no heat at all, just shakes the water in to mist if I get chance I'll post some pics or a video showing pros and cons, the idea of using vapes gives useful parts silicone rubber ended oil reservoir with flow and vent holes , one system has a micro fan to propel the smoke uses a little bottle to form a ducted fan type chimney also a timed led light illuminates the smoke so its more visible when out on the water
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๐ Lipo vs Li-ion
11 months ago by
๐ฌ๐ง Andi1 (

Master Seaman)
Well Health and safety as for stripping bare, well let your imagination run wild๐
but has I said I hate to see folk just wreck the world we crave after things and then we don't even want what we longed for, and show no regard for anything and whilst salvaging a dirty horrible thing that's been in peoples mouths laced with nicotine or cannabis may not be everyone's ideas of fun but I enjoy being odd๐
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๐ Lipo vs Li-ion
11 months ago by
๐ฌ๐ง Andi1 (

Master Seaman)
Hi your new li-ion batteries are the very common 18650 cells, 18mm diameter 65 mm long and the last 0 indicates they are round, lipo li-ion not a lot of difference in my mind I've used lipos for over 20 yrs all sizes up to 6s 22..2v 6000mah and never have I seen any smoke, in the extremes? If you regularly hammer an high power using model nail the battery to death then Eiger for more fun slap it on charge at an higher 'C' rating( so a 4000mah pack being charged at 8000mah is twice as fast? '2c' why not go for four 'c' imagine the already hot depleted pack, now being super charged even more heat, you can see the idea. You mentioned Temu, cheap battery, the size of the can? The weight of the pack, I have some cheap 18650 7.4 two cell they claim massive high power on the outside of the can but I don't think they have many bean inside? But they are receiver packs I don't use them for drive packs, like you say our boat club is a sail or scale type deal so the odd quicker boat can pop up from time to time. The thing you need to do is respect and love your batteries, don't be greedy rushing and pushing things to the limit, my best lipos are KOKAM 3S 4000MAH I've had four only two left still hold and discharge correctly they were my main helicopter TRex 600e I flew the odd 3d trick but mainly nice balanced smooth flights and as I say I bet not many people remember KOKAM,but they were definitely good.
I am relatively new to li-ion use in RC but the 18650 cell is everywhere in my e-bikes,, in vapes? Worst things ever invented!!! Single use vapes run out of puff, charge and just get dropped on the floor recycling centers are seeing problems with batteries exploding in waste processing machines , I pick them up from outside my house dismantle them recharge the battery I've made scale smokers from them, use gloves,mask strip and clean bits for re use, propper Womble,me who remembers the Wombles ?๐
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๐ Styrene glues???? on Styrene boats
12 months ago by
๐ฌ๐ง Andi1 (

Master Seaman)
Stabilite express is what I use but I only find it on a German site, the example of the gluing instructions says acrylic glue? 'Use our recommended glue's' so is a product named in the list of also needed items to build at the front of the instruction booklet.
The weld type joint is best, I use 'coffee stirring sticks from various Coffee shops to apply such glues as Stabilite 2 minutes the sticks have a great radius to provide a lovely corner filet the problem of aesthetics maybe an issue for viewable joints like above deck boom mounts as the Stabilite discolors.
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๐ Styrene glues???? on Styrene boats
12 months ago by
๐ฌ๐ง Andi1 (

Master Seaman)
I use this for Krick, and Robbe kits
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๐ Styrene glues???? on Styrene boats
12 months ago by
๐ฌ๐ง Andi1 (

Master Seaman)
If it's a Krick Paula, do the instructions not suggest stability, apply?
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๐ Best sail material for yachts ?
12 months ago by
๐ฌ๐ง Andi1 (

Master Seaman)
Hi your Gracia looks a lot like my hegi modebau Mistral,
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๐ Best sail material for yachts ?
12 months ago by
๐ฌ๐ง Andi1 (

Master Seaman)
I will be making sails for my IngaIV so I am keen to discover sail making techniques I also want to make a B set for my Class,
Ideas on sail making jigs? Foil shape ECT,
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๐ Servos going crazy
1 year ago by
๐ฌ๐ง Andi1 (

Master Seaman)
The old receiver with BEC stamped on it may have allowed you to power the receiver from any port via an ESC, not exclusively via the marked battery pins?? But certainly it wouldn't like the higher voltages it would be a 4.8v/6v system four AA type of RX pack
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๐ Servos going crazy
1 year ago by
๐ฌ๐ง Andi1 (

Master Seaman)
Yes agreed you need to pick your RX supply disconnect the red wire insulate it thus separating drive and RX power
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๐ Servos going crazy
1 year ago by
๐ฌ๐ง Andi1 (

Master Seaman)
I use 7.4 2s lipos all the time through Spektrum systems, typically? But certain things dictate what can be done hence why BEC, battery eliminator circuit, which reduces your receiver voltage nowadays typically 6v but in certain cases for instance running a gyro it may need to be limited all things have parameters so instructions need to be read, mixing systems up from different manufacturers is always tricky
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๐ Orca and Jaws the chase, cought on video.
1 year ago by
๐ฌ๐ง Andi1 (

Master Seaman)
Love the video, looks good.
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๐ Servos going crazy
1 year ago by
๐ฌ๐ง Andi1 (

Master Seaman)
Check whether they are Digital or analogue servos, Transmitter check whether it's using 11 or 22 speeds, rebind the system.
Are all your components Spektrum?
I use some cheaper servos from Soch sails but they are not Digital I gave a friend one who had problems with erratic behavior because he didn't realize it was analogue.
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๐ Orca the final cast member
1 year ago by
๐ฌ๐ง Andi1 (

Master Seaman)
Looking good,
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๐ Orca the final cast member
1 year ago by
๐ฌ๐ง Andi1 (

Master Seaman)
If jaws is emptied out, but sealed up again he would still be bouyant
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๐ Orca the final cast member
1 year ago by
๐ฌ๐ง Andi1 (

Master Seaman)
Hi Rogal. A static waterline is one aspect so more weight will be needed a ballast tank is an option too, but I still think he needs pulling to see what he does, I've never made a shark so trial and error.
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๐ Orca the final cast member
1 year ago by
๐ฌ๐ง Andi1 (

Master Seaman)
Firstly what you doing awake at this hour? You could ensure they are a 'foiled' shape to give a certain amount of lift at a certain speed so on calm water behind your boat far enough away from prop wash/draft effect for stability, he glides along nicely.
A more complex idea could involve a gyro mounted in jaws so the lateral fins change angle depending on tilt each fin could be controlled by a separate servo and two gyros so jaws would automatically adjust to maintain even straight flow, both vertically and horizontally, obviously he's a fun idea and you may not want to go that far, but just passing my thoughts on I love the 'odd things' I've sourced some wood for my IngaIV masts, recycling scrap using old Victorian washing rack lathes if they are ok to use๐
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๐ Orca the final cast member
1 year ago by
๐ฌ๐ง Andi1 (

Master Seaman)
Orcasome, neat idea have you pulled jaws in water yet? Just wondering if the fins incidence in the water will lift or dive him? And what speed will he handle? Look forward to a video of them in action๐
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๐ฌ Re: IngaIV
1 year ago by
๐ฌ๐ง Andi1 (

Master Seaman)
Fantastic pictures, thanks for that, you have done lots of nice ideas, slotted masts, did you cut the slots? If so how and with what cutter? I will be joining but couldn't do it the other day because I need a password I can't remember and I'm on holiday so will do it later.๐
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๐ RA INGA IV Maiden sail
1 year ago by
๐ฌ๐ง Andi1 (

Master Seaman)
Hi guys I have an Inga IV to rig, does anyone have details of sail shape,camber jig manufacturer, masts, booms, I only have the boat to renovate it's seen some damage over the years.
Also have an Atlantis the same deal hull, cabins, ballast weight and drop down motor. so I could do with some instructions plans to help me get these done and sailing.any help and pointers would be great
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