Members Harbour
11 Photos
Springer #4 USACOE Stoplog
This is my fourth Springer tug. It was built to resemble the U.S. Army's Corps of Engineers stoplog tug located at Little Goose Dam in Washington State. The scale is about 1/17. The model had to be modified slightly because the length to beam ratio between the real tug and a Springer are slightly different. This keeps the model within the Springer class rules.
9 months ago
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Modular Barge Set
In order for my truckable push boat ("Springer") to move something I built this modular barge (which are individually truckable). This is one piece but has slits to simulate the joining groves and seams which results in the look of four modules fastened together.
Eventually I will have the working crane tied down to the deck.
The crane in the photo is the "before" view. It now is significantly modified with an extended boom and other changes.
1 year ago
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3 Photos
Small work barge
I built this barge to go with my 1/35 scale towboat. It is made of 1/2 inch plywood hull and a 1/4 inch plywood deck. There is a grid of Neodymium magnets spaced on and imbedded flus with the deck.
This barge can be used by itself with different scale boats or used as a 1/35 scale barge with the accessories added. First accessory was the workshop (detailed inside), a pickup truck, toilet, and trash can. Latest (2022) addition is the gantry crane as shown in the photos.
1 year ago
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Large Coal Barge
I salvage this large (5 foot - 152cm) barge from the trash heap from a model boat club (BAEB) that closed. It was used for competition towing contests. From the deck up I completely re-renovated it to represent a coal barge. The "coal" is the "oil dry" granules cemented on a panel of carved foam on a plywood thin plywood base and painted flat black. It is removable so weight (bricks, water bottles, etc.) can be added inside the hull. Total weight is well over 100 pounds -(45kg). The sturdy hull and deck is heavy plywood that has been fiber glassed.
1 year ago
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Emma C. Berry
This model is from the Sterling (USA) model kit of the same name. It was one of my first models built in the early 1970's. I had planned it to be R/C by adding some keel weights and fiber glassed the hull as the kit hull material was 1/8 inch balsa sheet sections on frame. The hull is quite solid, sealed, and has a smooth finish. Basically everything is built to the kits instructions with a number of additional details.
These 2023 photos reflect a number of years (50+) it has been sitting on my shelf above my Civil War desk (my build) so pardon the dust.
1 year ago
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Springer #4 (US Army Corps of Engineers tug)
This "Springer" is based on the "Stoplog" tug used a the Little Goose Dam in the USA COE Wall Walla district on the Snake River. From the deck up it replicates the real tug, and from the deck down follows the "Springer" regulations. (The hull components are from Zippkits.) Drawings were obtained from the marine architect and photographs from the internet as well as the boat builder.
(Currently under construction.)
1 year ago
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Piccadilly (Sailboat, 50/800 class)
The hull (along with 2 more, but never built) was purchased in 1975 during our visit to the U.K. Went directly to the builders small factory and arranged with Mr. Frank Parsons to ship the hulls (hulls, transoms, one deck) to our home in the U.S.
Made the masts and sails, fin, rudder and the innards for it.
2 years ago
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Herass (Sailboat, 50/800 class)
This is a commercial made (in the U.S. by Vortex), based on the real Soling competition boats. For mine, made two new masts and sails, one medium and one at the maximum height, both using the maximum sail area permitted.
2 years ago
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Flat Chines (Sailboat, 50/800 class)
A scratch build based a small plans in Model Boat magazine back in the 1980s. The boat was a dismal sailer exceptunder a high wind when it would briefly get up on a plane and skid across the pond.
2 years ago
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5 Photos
Frederick Mistral (aka "Duna)
Here is my partial build model of the Frederick Mistral. The kit was made by Anfora and for some reason they call it "Duna".
What stopped me from continuing was the rudder control. This was via a chain that ran on both sides of the deck just inside the gunwale. This ran from the pilot house back to a cam like arm on the rudder post. there were a series of pulleys along the inside of the gunwale to keep the chain in place.
My problem was that I could not find a small chain that could withstand the tension.
I made a lot of corrections/modifications to it following photos of the real tug. This included many new/replacement parts that I had 3D printed by Shapeways. They are shown in the last three photos.
This is an interest tug *(the historic original is still floating on the Danube River) and I wish I could finish it.
2 years ago
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My Web Site (
My "Scale Model Boats" (and tanks... and more) web site is
It goes into a lot of detail on my model boats, tanks, R/C, 3D modeling, 3D parts, tips, and beyond, including many photos and links to videos.
Along the same line, I have YouTube channel "eymccauley" (American Civil War naval officer) link: where you can find videos of scale model boats, tanks, club meets here in Florida U.AS.A.) and more.
2 years ago
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4 Photos
"Star Wars" Patrol Boat
As weird as it sounds I just can't seem to see a model boat go in the trash. In this case, you can see the derelict model in the first two photos. It's not very fast and has a low freeboard.
I decided to have some fun with this one - the photos are evident as to what I did. (1/12 scale.)
2 years ago
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7 Photos
Ironclads of the U.S. Civil War (1861-1865)
Disclosure: First off, these are not my models, but that of the "Old Navy" Steve Lund and Bill Hathaway.
I had the pleasure of meeting them in 2007 at the Monitor Center at the Mariners' Museum in Virginia, U.S.A. At that time I was involved in Civil War reenacting (role as a U.S. navy officer) and we were all participating at a special event. The "Old Navy" guys brought a trailer loaded with 1/35 scale R/C ironclad models.
I am putting together this information in case others are interested in building a Civil War ironclad, and need more information. I thought I had more still photos of the models but these are all I found. The video shows many of the models.
[Sure, the U.S was not the first country to have an ironclad but did have the first battle between the in March 1862. Between the north and the south about 66 ironclads were completed during these four years. Some quite simple and others quite out of the norm. If you want to build a U.S. ironclad check them out - the variety is amazing.]
The first photo is the full scale replica (hollow) of the U.S.S. Monitor located behind the museum.
The second photo is that of Steve (right) and Bill (left), middle person is unknown. They are standing in front of an accurate reproduction of the Monitor at 1/35 scale. It an R/C - powered model.
The remaining photos are close-ups of the Monitor model.
So here is my video link: The video is a bit old but I think you get the idea.
Steve and Bill made an excellent book, 'Modeling the Ironclads" which is available at: .
However you can preview it or print this out yourself you can download it at:
ps. I was going to build a 1/35 scale Monitor but got side tracked while searching for a way to make thick, black smoke which I could not find and this project eventually gave way to building other models.
2 years ago
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5 Photos
Standard Oil Tug
Well, we all started somewhere!
My first model boat (not including inexpensive model kits as a kid) was the Sterling kit, "Emma C. Berry." I had planned to R/C it including glassing the hull, but never got that far. So jumping forward to the next model I scaled up that little Standard oil tug kit "Despatch No. 9".
I scaled it up to be 42 inches long and about 35 pounds in weight. Made mostly out of planked balsa with fiberglass covered hull it was not well done with many imperfections but from 10 feet away it looked good.
Back then (early 1970's) there was not too many components available for large R/C scale models especially here in Florida, the "boonies" back then. I used a automobile heater motor for the drive and a servo driven three position switch for the speeds (low, medium, high) with power resistors. Another servo driven switch for forward, stop, and reverse. The radio was a four channel Heathkit that I had to build up. Power came from a 6V motorcycle battery.
I enjoyed this boat for a few years. I bought the Graupner Schnellboot "Wiesel" in London in 1975, started it, but it took another 35 years before I finished it. Is that a record?
Now the old tug sits up high on a shelf where it gets little notice. It reminds me to think about how the finished boat should not look. (Even the "S" on one side of the stack is up-side-down.) To make matters worse, I added some expanding foam under the deck for floatation - oops, needless to say I got more camber to the deck that I really wanted.
2 years ago
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Club Rescue Boat ("Miss Amelia"; scratch built; Scale: ~1/18)
What do you do with a boat hull that nobody wants, not in good condition, and not realistic looking? Build something different!
This boat was the model for a "Balloon Boat". OK, this was a competitive one design boat where each boat had a balloon tied to the stern and a long prick on the front. The object was to puncture all the balloons and the last boat remaining with a balloon inflated was the winner.
This was the prototype from which a mold was made and fiberglass hulls were produced.
Now back to this boat... As you can see this hull has a weird shape and not built for speed. However it is very stable. By tearing out the guts and adding a Kort nozzle with a five blade prop yet trying to keep a "scale" appearance, this boat became the SSMBC's rescue boat. All it needed was a yoke to catch the disabled boat. Simple electronics, a stable platform, good power all makes for a good rescue boat. So far the record push for this boat is a 60 pound whaleback freighter.
2 years ago
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8 Photos
PT61 Gunboat WWII (Frank's kit with major mods; Scale: 1/20)
This boat kit was started by buyer and passed though many hands until it finally reached me. Before starting I looked at the history of the PT-61. In the middle of WWII it was converted to a gunboat along with PT-59 & PT60.
Trying to gather information took a long time before being able to start construction (which involved de-construction by the original owner).
This is a heavy model but runs like the real one would because of all the armor, guns, and ammo on board. Yes, the real PT-61 did have two 40mm Bofors and sixteen 50 caliber BMGs.
All three motors work, the outer two run through ESCs and the center one has a servo driven switch running forward only on another channel
2 years ago
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6 Photos
Springer #3 (Zip Kits; Scale: 1/18)
This Springer (Jo Ann) is my third Springer build, I made it for my son. It is based on a real truckable pushboat but one that I saw within about 1,000 feet from where we operate our model boats (Lake Seminole Park, Florida). To get the real one in the water it had to pass the pond within a 100 feet of the road. I took a lot of photos of it from the shore and planned out how to build the model.
2 years ago
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4 Photos
Springer #2 (Zipp Kits; Scale: ~1/25)
Ah, the "Skeleton Crew" Bill E. Bones! This Springer obviously has a comical theme. Unfortunately it is kind of top heavy and wind is its enemy. I will probably make an alternate structure for it. Bad planning!
2 years ago
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Springer #1 (Zipp kits - Scale: 1/18)
Looking for a fun boat? Take a look at the Springer type tugs. Zipp Kits is one manufacture that makes the Springer easy to build and inexpensive. You can easily scratch build on yourself. I bought four of these.
At 18 inches long they are small and "turn on a dime" and can be quite quirky like trying to ride a wild horse - a lot of fun. You can build them in almost any style (above the deck) from looking like a real truckable pushboat (like this model) to something completely zany. Let you imagination run its course.
If you follow the regulations/specifications, these boats are meant to be "one-design" that is from the deck down there as rules and dimensions that apply so the boats can compete in water sports and racing.
This one is base on a real pushboat that I found on the internet. The cabin can rise up thanks to some old inkjet printer parts I save a while back.
2 years ago
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Modular Barge (Scratch build; Scale: ~1/16)
Want to build a barge to go with a Springer tug? Modular barges are truckable, that is they can be brought to a site, unloaded, fastened together to make a larger barge or bridge of almost any configuration. The real ones come in several sizes, 10 X 10, 10 X 20, and 10 X 40 (feet), X 5 feet high, are the most common sizes. A variety of accessories can be added.
Mine is actually one barge scored to look like four 10 X 20 barges tied together. It is made out of wood (34" sides, ends, X 1/4" top and bottom with some weight added internally.
2 years ago
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Members Blogs
2 Posts
Jim's Model Boat Launcher / Retriever
Finally tired of using my launcher (PVC pipe and fittings) and had SSMBC member build me a special one. (He has made a bunch of his version.) I am taller than him and have some back issues so I got one about 5 inches taller.
The photo here shows it as I got it today at the meet. Need to prep and paint and add padding.
It is made using 1/2 and 3/4" EMT steel and can handle at least 80 pounds.
Florida , USA
7 months ago
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Modifying a Posable (jointed) Figure to Loo Realistic
I just posted a video on how to modify a Bruder figure to look more realistic on YouTube. This also can apply to other figures that have flexible joints as well. The YouTube link is below.
Florida , USA๏ธ
8 months ago
2 Posts
Automatic Bilge Pump for RC Boats
I just finished putting together a circuit, testing it and creating a video for an automatic bilge pump. This circuit can also be used to trigger a warning light or noise/sound.
Easy to build and inexpensive. The video shows the pump working. Enjoy!
Florida ๏ธ, USA
11 months ago
2 Posts
Display Case for Model Boats
I thought you fellow model boaters might be interested in how I built a case for my Wiesel "Schnellboot". It certainly keeps the dust off. I have posted this on a build blog, hopefully it will be easy to find in the future.
First, the Wiesel model is 42 inches long by 7 inches wide X 16 inches high. In designing the case I wanted a clear unobstructed side view of the model which demands a single large pane. Therefore the model has to be removed via a side panel, and in this case I decided to make both ends to open. I also wanted clear top to allow light in.
Rather than use expensive wood, I opted for widely available lumber (white wood) which I would stain to a Walnut color. I used "1 by XX" lumber which is about 3/4 inch thick. This case is symmetrical (except for the doors swing) so it could be set in the middle of a room and viewed all around.
The base is 3/4" X 12" X 54". The other pieces are 3/4" X 1 inch by various lengths. The model sits on a removable base and stand stained to the same Walnut color.
I found one of the local plastics distributors sells 4 ft X 8 ft plexiglass sheets about .100 inch thick. for a small extra charge (by the cut) they have an accurate and quick saw that did a great job. I made the drawing (attached) for the cuts and a few days later picked up the panels.
Found some nice brass latches and hinges for the end doors in a local store.
The wood is cut to the needed sizes. Using my table saw I made the grooves for the panels to slide into. My sawblade was slightly wider that the thickness of the panels.
Note that I did not glue the panels in place. Everything held pretty good. When moving the case take the model out to avoid breaking the joints. I also added some corner bracings in the top to side corners (see photo).
1 - Determine the size and make drawings for the wood and plexiglass.
2 - Obtain materials
3 - Cut the wood pieces.
4 - Stain the wood pieces except for where they are glued to make strong joints.
5 - Assemble sliding the panes into the grooves. Glue joint. I used a pneumatic nail gun to make the joints stronger as well as making the assembly faster.
6 - Varnish the finish, masking off the panes. (Do some thinking ahead on some of the pieces on the inside of the case before assembly.)
7 - Enjoy your model in its new home.
I also made a matching box for the fluorescent tube lights (they didn't have good LED strips back when I built this) that sits on top of the case. Good lighting is recommended.
01 - Full side.
02 - Corner view.
03 - Door latch.
04 - Internal corner brace (1 of 4).
05 - Slightly different corner view with model slid out slightly.
06 - Top of case.
07 - Top of case (light on).
08 - Full side (light on).
09 - Display case drawing.
10 - Layout drawing for cutting panes.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Florida , USA
1 year ago
1 Post
Modular Barge - Model Construction
With the great responses to my recent posting on my "Modular Barge" I would like to share my construction information. The instructions are in the PDF. I have attached the photos here as well to they can be zoomed in on.
Any questions, feel free to ask!
Florida ๏ธ, USA
1 year ago
2 Posts
Springer #1 - Making an elevating pilot house
I thought I would put together a video on this title. It follows the concept of making something travel a linear distance with limit stops on both ends. The belt and pulleys are from an old HP inkjet printer. (Lots of usable parts in these discarded printers.) This Springer is based on a real boat using four photographs. Enjoy!
Florida, USA
1 year ago
4 Posts
Atlantic "Tug" [sic] Restoration
Hi all...
A while back I was given two Atlantic "Tugs" (by separate people). One was in very good condition (but with the old FM radio) which I passed on to another member and the other is the subject for this post.
These Atlantic "tugs" [sic] have a very toy like design, especially the hull's gunwale (curve) when viewed from the side. That being said, I would like to restore it, probably to another type boat as I don't want to start cutting the gunwale. to flatten it some.
Now the condition of everything is fair and the hull is pretty solid. (The hole in the bow area is a chop job done by the previous owner to install a bow thruster.) Everything is dirty bun ca be cleaned up. It is missing the wheelhouse. I would like to re-use (modify?) the superstructure.
So, here's where all of you come in. Given the shape of the hull and structure, do any of you have any ideas what this could be made into based on a real boat's looks? (If there are any real tugs in the style/looks, could you pass that info on to me?)
2 years ago
1 Post
Beam Trawler Build (single drag net)
I have been asked by Mike (on this forum) on how I made the fish net for my trawler, so I decided to enter this in a build blog for anyone else to view.
Building a trawler was not one of my priorities in building RC scale model boats. However I came across a deal I could not pass up and this partially built boat (33-inch long Artesania Latina โHelenโ) was part of the package. Despite the tall masts and netting, this is a very good sailing boat, forward and backward.
I renamed the boat โElenaโ with โH-103โ as the registry number simulating that it would be out of Hull Harbor, U.K.
When I decided to continue the build (after some de-construction) from the deck up, I also looked into similar real boats off the east coast of the U.K. I downloaded photos and information on how these drag trawlers operated and the type of nets and equipment on board. (I am not a commercial fisherman so Iโm sure someone will correct me here.)
It looked like this type of trawler is called a โbeam trawlerโ where the boom holds the horizontal โbeamโ that spreads the net apart. The net is open on the front end with the top edge strung with floats (here, beads) and the bottom edge with weights (here small fishing line sinkers). The top edge is pretty much aligned with the beam and the bottom edge is longer so it allows the net to open. My understanding is that this type of trawler would lower the net in shallow water and drag the net along the bottom.
I started with using wedding veil material for the net. Probably should have used a darker color but my choice was limited, so we have a โnewโ net. As the net would be scrunched up on the deck it made no sense to make it too long. The bottom end is just folded and the sides are hand stitched. Supporting lines were added to the top and bottom leading edges to โstrengthenโ the net as well as hold the floats and weights.
All the rigging is different with emphasis on making this look like a working boat. This includes numerous blocks and tackle. A few markers (floats, photo 7) are on the deck as they were commonly used. The three man crew (Tamiya 1/20 scale pit crew) seems to be handling everything well. The fish are a combination of plastic fish (photo 6) supplemented by some that I printed on my color printer and laminated with a little filler in-between to give the depth.
For anyone interested I have a 2015 "on board" video on Youtube: .
2 years ago
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Airbrush Cleaning Solution
I found an excellent and inexpensive airbrush cleaning solution (for acrylic paints). The link is however here are the ingredients:
Distilled water - 3 parts
Window cleaner ("Windex" or equiv. with ammonia) - 2 parts
Isopropyl alcohol 91% - 1 part
Glycerin 1 drops for each 15ml of water
In my case I used a 60ml plastic jar as follows:
Filled with the water to 30ml
Added window cleaner to 50ml
Added alcohol to 60ml
Added 4 drops glycerin
Works great on slightly dried (several minutes) paint, much better than acrylic thinner. Will not remove time dried paint.
2 years ago
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Mini Bar Clamps for Model Builders
I had a need for several sets of bar clamps with about 6 -6 inches capacity. The only ones I saw were too heavy or expensive so I designed a set with a few extra features and made a handful via one of my 3D printers.
I have the STL files on my site for FREE downloads as well as two YouTube videos, one an intro and the other a how to build. Here are the links:
I hope they are of use to others.
2 years ago
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Working with ABS - Lengthening a Hull
The Dusseldorf (FLB 2) model fire boat kit was originally produced by Robbe and now sold under the name Krick. The kit is based on the original configuration as the fire boat was built in 1965. In 1979 (well over 40 years ago) the original Dusseldorf was significantly modified and one of the modifications was the hull being lengthened significantly. The increased length is about 200mm (8 inches) in the model's hull.
In order to increase the hull's length it had to be cut into two pieces (across the beam near the middle (lengthwise). In the video ( of this process you will see the steps I used to modify the ABS hull.
Additional help, information, and updates are posted on my web site:
This video may be helpful to others needing to modify ABS hulls as it deals with cementing and filling ABS including adhesion (weld type) with ABS 3D printed parts, and styrene, both extrusions and sheet.
2 years ago
Recent Posts
๐ 1/24 Juanita Sternwheeler Towboat Kit Interest
17 days ago by
๐บ๐ธ LewZ (
Rear Admiral)
Very nice looking build. I am curious about the steps and short platforms on either side of the pilot house. Did the crew enter via sliding the windows to get inside?
Still plastering in Florida USA
UPDATE: Yes. (See link.) I'm leaving this post up as it is interesting. |
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๐ Could anybody help identify this boat?
24 days ago by
๐บ๐ธ LewZ (
Rear Admiral)
At most this model might have a hull from another model (kit). Most of it doesn't make any sense, functios, uniformity, etc. I think that for the most part it is someone's conjecture build and serves no scale (lifelike) presentation.
- plastering walls at 80 in Florida.
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๐ Merry Christmas!
28 days ago by
๐บ๐ธ LewZ (
Rear Admiral)
โทHello everyone. I haven't been on the forum in a while, still contending with rebuilding my home. It's a slow process a, still taking thing apart. So much damage in this area that has affected the ability to get decent workers to help.
So I had to disconnect from the forum for a while to avoid distractions.
This is a good opportunity to take a break and wish all of you a Merry Christmas and healthy New Year.
Back at home in Florida, but living in a clean mess. First photo is our living room and the second is my data and hobby room.
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๐ฌ Re: To submerse or not
1 month ago by
๐บ๐ธ LewZ (
Rear Admiral)
Wow - you guys brought back some memories I had as a kid (almost 70 years ago). The baking powder submarine! (Checkout Wikipedia and others.)
The USS Nautilus submarine came in a cereal box. Seemed like it was about 5 inches long. Now that is small!
Now with some RC mechanisms there might be some way of controlling the baking powder reaction with the water thus controlling the dive. Just food for thought.
Going home (in Florida) soon.
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๐ High Impact Styrene
1 month ago by
๐บ๐ธ LewZ (
Rear Admiral)
I use at least three types of cement for styrene (and ABS). Manufacturer doesn't seem to matter. Make sure it is a weld cement that actually melts the styrene. For this reason I prefer not to call this "glue" but "cement".
- Hobby supply thin weld cement (not as thin as Acetone), usually in glass bottles
- Hobby supply medium weld cement, usually in tubes or squeeze bottles
- Hobby supply thick weld cement, usually in tubes
- Acetone (100% in nail polish remover bottle), very thin, evaporates fast.
Somewhere in Florida (soon to be back home).
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๐ Fishing nets
1 month ago by
๐บ๐ธ LewZ (
Rear Admiral)
I used a wedding veil (available at material stores) for my "Helen" kit build. Kind of stiff plastic material. There are some off white colors, but not very realistic looking for a used net. So I claim it is "new". I used some wood beads as floats and some small lead weights for the sinker weights.
Also, I printed out some fish typical of the trawling area in the North English Channel. Printed both sides with a little filler in between to give it some thickness.
Somewhere in Florida
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๐ Shapeways return...
2 months ago by
๐บ๐ธ LewZ (
Rear Admiral)
One thing I didn't touch on was Shapeways' customer service. They seemed to have the "I'm always right and you are always wrong" attitude. I had to trash my last (expensive) order with them.
Also, their search engine was horrible. I used specific search criteria but got too many results that had nothing to do with my input. I made recommendations to them about using a boolean type search engine but they thought what they had was sufficient.
Can't keep a business running long with their attitude.
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๐ Shapeways return...
2 months ago by
๐บ๐ธ LewZ (
Rear Admiral)
Yeah, I got an email from them too. Shapeways has been a good (but expensive) way to have parts printed. They might find it a little harder this time around for several reasons:
- Expensive to have parts made.
- Most of the business is in New York City (not a business friendly place).
- New development in printers (especially FDM) - much faster, better quality output, price, etc.
- New developments in varieties of materials - strength, flexibility, etc.
I can't believe they deleted their marketplace. Many of thousands of sellers/designers and they are all gone. I did not make much money off the sales of my products but then I kept my profit margin low, about 10%. I can tell that many others have profit margins of 100% and much more based on material volume.
I do hope they make it work because many people do not have the capability to design or make critical parts and companies like this give them at least a path to get their part.
Somewhere in Florida.
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๐ WWII Minesweeper HMT Sir Kay
2 months ago by
๐บ๐ธ LewZ (
Rear Admiral)
Similar?... |
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๐ฌ Re: Karoline, Dutch crewman. Part 1.
2 months ago by
๐บ๐ธ LewZ (
Rear Admiral)
I'm with you, Rogal, on the figures. ALL of my scale boats have them. They give the observer a point of reference for better realizing the size of the model compared to the real boat.
If the boat is sitting on a shelf (static), OK, not absolutely necessary to have figures. In the water I feel there should be at least one or more HUMAN figures are necessary unless you are running a submarine.
An open cockpit boat with a teddy bear (or the like) driving it... well which is worse, no human figure or the animal. Barbie? This leads me to believe the builder/operator was unable to find a scale figure for his scale boat.
Just my opinion.
Somewhere in Florida.
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๐ Happy Thanksgiving
2 months ago by
๐บ๐ธ LewZ (
Rear Admiral)
Hello friends, tomorrow is "Thanksgiving Day" celebrated here in the US as well as some other countries around the world.
2024 has been a year filled with turmoil, be it wars, environment - climate, political issues, etc. For us in Florida and othe states it was Hurricane Milton. After almost two months we are still working on our home (and not able to live in it yet), pulling up flooring, ripping some walls out, etc.
I still keep an eye on this site even though all my hobby stuff is packed away. Keeps me anxious for the future.
So despite this big mess for us we are doing fairly well and getting a huge time in with the grandchildren. There is always something to be thankful for.
To all I wish a Happying Thanksgiving even if you don't celebrate it directly. I have high hopes that 2025 will be a better year for all.
Somewhere in Florida, USA.
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๐ Fun at the lake
3 months ago by
๐บ๐ธ LewZ (
Rear Admiral)
Issac, not really major damage, but bad enough. In the 52 years since I built my home I never experienced anything like this.
If the water level was about 1 inch lower we would have lost the flooring in only one room not 7. Fortunately 5 other rooms are OK.
Somewhere afloat in Florida, USA
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๐ Fun at the lake
3 months ago by
๐บ๐ธ LewZ (
Rear Admiral)
Good to hear that. However, I'm still emptying the rooms that has ruined floors. Currently trying to cut down my huge model building "lab" so I move it. Looks like I will need to replace almost 2000 square feet of flooring on the main level.
Somewhere in Florida, USA
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๐ stupid question
3 months ago by
๐บ๐ธ LewZ (
Rear Admiral)
The question is not stupid. "Itโs the wires to the motor that are blue and yellow but what one is what as the yellow is next to the negative" confuses me a bit.
Are you talking about 3 wires? Are you using a language translator?
Somewhere in Florida, USA
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๐ stupid question
3 months ago by
๐บ๐ธ LewZ (
Rear Admiral)
A better way to ask this question is to include the manufacturer and model number or at least a photo of the ESC number. Wire colors vary from one manufacturer to another.
Somewhere in Florida, USA
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๐ Definitive definition of scratch build
3 months ago by
๐บ๐ธ LewZ (
Rear Admiral)
There are many "kits" that had me scratching my head many times as well.
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๐ Happy as a sand boy
3 months ago by
๐บ๐ธ LewZ (
Rear Admiral)
Great Roy! Enjoy those sharp vivid images. First thing I noticed was trees had individual leaves, not a mass of green. (Hhager, you can opt for more expensive single vision lenses where you don't need reading glasses.)
Florida โฑ๏ธ, USA โค๏ธ
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๐ Florida Hurricane Milton updates
3 months ago by
๐บ๐ธ LewZ (
Rear Admiral)
How about two photos, garage door and one by the front door. That's the real way of marking a waterline! Nature made. Lew
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๐ Florida Hurricane Milton updates
3 months ago by
๐บ๐ธ LewZ (
Rear Admiral)
Well friends, today marks two weeks since disaster hit us. We are still trying to sort and clean up. We are staying at our sons house 30 miles away.
I attached a photo of our home and you can see the debris piling up. Every day adding more.
Today I think I will be getting into "model boating" as I will need to move some models to a better location so we can start floor removal.
Keep yor posts on various subjects. Helps distract my mind from this ugly mess.
Florida โฑ๏ธ, USA โค๏ธ
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๐ Modello RC scala 1/60, di piroscafo armato a goletta, liberamente ispirato alle cannoniere classe US
3 months ago by
๐บ๐ธ LewZ (
Rear Admiral)
Perhaps I can answer some of the confusion about rowed ship's launches. As part of being involved in US Civil War (naval 1861-5) reenacting a number of us went through boat drills. The launch one we learned oarsmanship on (an old WW2 period wood lifeboat painted to replicate a CW launch) had six men pulling oars and the boat commander on the rudder.
In order for the oarsmen to coordinate movements there were commands for every movement. Most would not know the complexity of this. Every set of men would have a number starting from the bow (1, 2, 3, etc). Also in each set one man would be port and the other starboard. So there would be port 1, starboard 1, port 2, etc. This way the boat captain could command each man or group of men to row, hold water, reverse, etc.
Now that I have mentioned this you can see how the launch can be maneuvered via the oars.
Now, about the rudder. Whe you drive a car down the road you very often correct the direction to some degree by moving the steering wheel. Same with a rudder. Unless making a sharp change in direction you need to keep the oarsmen in synch and the boat moving.
I hope that you find this interesting. However, not as much as being there and doing it yourself.
Florida โฑ๏ธ, USA โค๏ธ
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๐ Definitive definition of scratch build
3 months ago by
๐บ๐ธ LewZ (
Rear Admiral)
Duncan, many are familiar with kits like plastic models where all of the parts are pre-made, only needing removable from sprues, and assembled.
Other kits (predominantly wood or mixed materials) require sawing, cutting, sanding, drilling, etc. to allow assembly.
A kit is a kit whether plastic parts or a stack of lumber and pre-printed or cut parts with instructions to follow.
Kits primarily have all the raw materials required included.
The word "scratch build" is reserved for a model that requires the builder to gather materials to make a model from plans (pre-drawn or scratch made).
I think what we see now in model boats could be defined as three major categories:
Scratch built
Ready to run
Now these three can and very often do bleed into each other to varying degrees.
But the short answer to your question as you pose it is simply NO.
Florida โฑ๏ธ, USA โฅ๏ธ
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๐ Minature action camera
3 months ago by
๐บ๐ธ LewZ (
Rear Admiral)
Ian, does the film clip play in your operating system's (like Windows) media player?
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๐ All Geared Up
3 months ago by
๐บ๐ธ LewZ (
Rear Admiral)
Pat Matthews is a first rat scale boat modeller. He has written a number of interesting model. His articles are backed by a lot of research he has done. In some of the more interesting models he gets down to the nuts and bolts level of detail.
The only thing that I find he runs short in is his YouTube videos. He (and his models) suffer from "not enough" syndrome. When he posts a new video (I am a subscriber) and I look at it, it think "that's it?", as they are very short. I mean this in a positive way.
Pat also had some neat 3D models on the now deceased Shapeways site. I bought some years ago.
Floridaโน๏ธ, USA ๐บ๐ธ
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๐ฌ Re: Graupner Parat
3 months ago by
๐บ๐ธ LewZ (
Rear Admiral)
What is the work in progress?
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๐ Florida Hurricane Milton updates
3 months ago by
๐บ๐ธ LewZ (
Rear Admiral)
My wife is doing well. Let night my foot and ankle were swollen again. Too much lifting yesterday. My son wants me to cool it for today.
Yesterday evening we finally got our power back on. One thing I must say these U.S. power grid workers are great. This group traveled from North Carolina (500 miles away) to this area.
Also, I agree about others are worse off. My son's (the one we are staying with) co-worker lost his entire home. It was blown over while he was in it. This was Huricane Helene, the previous one, last month. But when you live on a beach in Florida you have to expect that eventually something not good will happen.
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๐ Florida Hurricane Milton updates
3 months ago by
๐บ๐ธ LewZ (
Rear Admiral)
I created this topic because I have been posting my updates on other members topics.
So the latest is we have been staying at our younger son's home about 30 miles away. Our home is a mess with 80% of the flooring destroyed with an unknown amount of furniture damage or destroyed. We have a larger home so this is a lot of damage.
I spent today extracting furniture, flooring, and more, yet it looks like there is no end to the process. I dropped insurance coverage when my insurance company went out of business. People were scamming the insurance companies that they needed new roofs due to "storms" when in fact the needed replacement anyway.
Insurance cost in Florida are now very high and will go higher yet. In 50 years I never filed a claim. But now... go figure!
Thank you all that have wished me good hopes. No time for model boating (meets or builds). That will probably be many months away. I will check in occasionly to keep my sanity.
Florida ๐ค๐๐ค, USA ๐
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๐ Fun at the lake
3 months ago by
๐บ๐ธ LewZ (
Rear Admiral)
In our area the use corregated aluminum panels that are pretty thick. Checkout the photo of the house a few houses away that caught fire during the middle of the hurricane. Emergency services were suspended so they could not respond. Had to burn itself out plus the rain. Checkout the melted aluminum panels on the windows and the car in the garage. Good sense of humor via the sign. That's what we are doing.
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๐ Fun at the lake
3 months ago by
๐บ๐ธ LewZ (
Rear Admiral)
That's pretty wild, the eye of Milton. Our house held but most of it flooded. Not because of the gulf and bay water (which actually dropped in our area) but the rain run off system is not sufficient to handle this much rain. Going to cost us a bunch of $$$ and time. Lew
Edit: No electric until next week. X-rays show no broken bones but still in pain.
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๐ I'm still here, I think?
3 months ago by
๐บ๐ธ LewZ (
Rear Admiral)
Great to hear that. Time for some smiles๐๐๐๐. Laughter, the best medicine. Lew
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๐ฌ Re: Another hurricane
3 months ago by
๐บ๐ธ LewZ (
Rear Admiral)
Good for you, I was concerned. Lost about 3/4 of our flooring. Rood and walls in tact. Yard is a real mess. Lew
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