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    ๐Ÿ“ Inga IV finally a good breeze.
    14 days ago by ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง Rogal118 ( Captain)
    โœง 52 Views ยท 3 Likes
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    Hi there HermanK. I may have had the pond to myself but other members were nearby. Weโ€™ve been tiding up after the floods, high winds and 70 mm ice. Thanks for your interest.

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    ๐Ÿ“ Karoline at last a gentle breeze.
    14 days ago by ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง Rogal118 ( Captain)
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    Good evening fellow modellers, here is a video of Karoline sailing under wind power at last. Every time Iโ€™ve been to the pond since about September it has been either blowing a gale, becalmed or iced over. But at last all the elements have come together, and an enjoyable afternoon it was. Hereโ€™s a video.

    ๐Ÿ“ Inga IV finally a good breeze.
    14 days ago by ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง Rogal118 ( Captain)
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    Good evening. Finally everything comes together. Sunny afternoon, no ice, gentle breeze and the pond all to myself. No pontoons to bump into, although I did manage to hit the oil rig legs and tangle some weeds at the pond side. What a pleasant afternoon, other members were jet washing the side walks. So just me and my boats, Karoline to follow on another post.

    ๐Ÿ“ Orca with a full crew looking for jaws. ( filmed in slo-mo)
    20 days ago by ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง Rogal118 ( Captain)
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    Hi GaryLC, Iโ€™ve had some success with the shark I made from a block of insulation foam, with the outside fibreglassed. This I can tow with two piano wire rods. I found one rod was too unstable and the shark had a mind of its own. Two rods keep it quite rigid. 2.5 kg of lead was added for ballast to get the shark to sit right in the water. The Orca has a turning circle of around 2 mtr when solo, but with the shark attached it is terrible about 20 mtrs. After much pondering Iโ€™ve come to the conclusion that the shark needs a secondary rudder to help with steering. Imagine a 2mtr long model boat with small rudder in the centre of the hull, this is in effect what I have at the moment.

    ๐Ÿ“ Orca with a full crew looking for jaws. ( filmed in slo-mo)
    21 days ago by ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง Rogal118 ( Captain)
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    Thanks for your comments GaryLC. I ran and ran the movie many times to authenticate the finer details, some parts contradicted each other then I found that 3 boats were used and the continuity wasnโ€™t always spot on. Well thatโ€™s my excuse for straying to my own version in places. Here are some more shots of the cabin internals, I really enjoyed this part of the build.

    ๐Ÿ“ Orca with a full crew looking for jaws. ( filmed in slo-mo)
    21 days ago by ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง Rogal118 ( Captain)
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    Today at the pond, after 4 weeks of flooding then freezing ice, at last I was able to get out and about. The pond was flat calm, no wind and weak winters sun. A pleasant afternoon in all. I took Orca after some minor repairs and enjoyed sailing her. Here are some latest photos and a video.

    ๐Ÿ’ฌ Re: Karoline. Dutch fishing/potato boat
    27 days ago by ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง Rogal118 ( Captain)
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    Good morning everyone. Re question by BarryS. Yes I believe the original builder added as an extra the small twin props. This I find is a great help when sailing on our small pond, about the size of 2 tennis courts,, the props are 25mm 2 blade and each have there own small brushed motor with belt drive. At first I could not get any drive forward even in the slightest of head wind, and did contemplate fitting 3 or 4 bladed props. But instead swapped over the pulleys from the motor to the prop shafts, hoping to improve the gearing ratio from approx 3-1 to 1-3 . This didnโ€™t have any effect either. Then I had a thought maybe the props are not really turning efficiently and had a look at the rubber belt drives. These were small loops of rubber about 30 mm diameter with a cross section of around 1mm and were very stretchy. I had a box of assorted rubber seals bought from our local supermarkets middle isle, amongst was a 30mm diameter one with a cross section of 2mm and not as flexible. These fitted perfect and tightly onto the pulley grooves. Bench testing seemed to be satisfactory, so I couldnโ€™t wait to go to the pond. At the pond the breeze was quite a stiff one as they say, so this would test the power train. Perfect, could not be better, at full power the speed was quite gentle and scale looking especially into the breeze. Once turned about the sails took over and the motors were not required. I had worried that she may have been to fast and unrealistic under power, and I always had the option of changing the gearing back to the original, but have not bothered. The stiff breeze showed up other problems. I have dealt with these though in other blogs. Thanks everyone for your interest, just waiting now for the 3inch ice covering of the pond to melt.

    ๐Ÿ“ Karoline. Dutch fishing/potato boat
    1 month ago by ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง Rogal118 ( Captain)
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    This beautiful sailing boat was left to our club, but was not taken by anyone to be finished off as it was nearly completed.She has a lovely made box for transportation, this was where she was when I acquired her. The hull was complete and the rigging and masts were all jumbled up. There was no instructions, but I soon unravelled the mixture.the sails were still in a flat sheet of plain cotton. I used these as a template to make new from left over cambric cotton. Once complete I staged a test sail which went very well, except the twin props would not power the vessel forward in even the slightest breeze. At first I thought the props were too small, but it turned out to be the belts slipping. I changed these for new and the problem was cured. A few other tweeks were needed and now I have a cracking sailing boat.

    ๐Ÿ“ My harbour, re Yorkshireman
    2 months ago by ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง Rogal118 ( Captain)
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    Good evening Captain ChrisF, I will just have to live with this anomaly, weird technology does what it wants.

    ๐Ÿ“ My harbour, re Yorkshireman
    2 months ago by ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง Rogal118 ( Captain)
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    Good evening ChrisF, thanks for your interest, yes you are correct it is on my page, and I can see it when I open Model boats web page on my old iPad. But that is my query now Iโ€™m on my new iPad typing this reply to you . The Yorkshireman post in my harbour is not there!!!. Hereโ€™s the latest screen shot, note time and date in top left corner.

    ๐Ÿ“ My harbour, re Yorkshireman
    2 months ago by ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง Rogal118 ( Captain)
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    Good evening. Has anyone else noticed this. Or is it me being a bit dopey. While doing a bit of house keeping I was looking at my harbour and noticed I did not have a Yorkshireman tug in there. This was the 1st boat I had completed and was sure I had added it some years ago. So set about finding some photos to add it to my harbour. Well my current iPad didnโ€™t have the correct photos as I had changed to a newer version 2 years back. So I found the old iPad and found the original photos. So using the old iPad I opened the model boat site to view the harbour section. Well surprise surprise the Yorkshireman was there, my question to anyone who knows, is why would the Yorkshireman be in the harbour on the old iPad site, but have disappeared on the new iPad web site????.see photos, 2 is old iPad. 3 is new iPad.

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    ๐Ÿ“ Karoline, Dutch crewman. Part 2.
    2 months ago by ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง Rogal118 ( Captain)
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    Good evening everyone, Here is my final summary for the creation of my Dutch crewman. Once again I will post the starting photo from the web that I will base my crewman on, as a reference to save looking back at part 1 for a reminder. Photo 1. Having got the figure to a good scale height of 120mm, I now decided to pose him in a sitting position to keep his centre of gravity low. I would have preferred him to be standing at the tiller, but there is not enough head room under the working main boom on this particular model. I have found with this type of play figures that the joints do not have full natural movements for some poses. This was the case with the limited hip movement, so using my mini grinder with drill bit attached, removed some of the plastic to enable a 90 deg hip bend. Photo 2,3,4. This completed the desired sitting pose position photo 5. The next task was to remove the wrist cuffs and convert into a tight fitting cuff around the wrist. I had not at this stage glued the various body parts up as it is easier to do these modifications while apart. Photo 6. I then at this stage supa glued all the joints together in my final required pose, when set I trimmed the joints with a sharp craft knife to remove the excess plastic and round off the joints into a more human form. Photo 7,8. When happy with the shape I filled all the joints with modelling putty. Photo 9. When dry I sanded the figure smooth, and made a small barrel for him to sit on. Photo 10, 11. Next I made out of card the waist coat and collar, a bit of trial and error before it was right. Photo 12, 13. The large baggy over trousers were the next task, for these I used modelling tissue, as in aeroplane wing covering. This is strong enough not to tear when spread with PVA glue. A couple of small squares were coated and wrapped around each leg then gathered at the waist and ankles. Using this tissue leaves nice folds and realistic creases, then left overnight to dry. In the meantime I cut the figures boots off and using modelling putty shaped a pair off clogs. also worked a neckachief into the V of the waist coat collar, photo 15,16. After a dry run to check the pose one last time, I dismantled the components and gave them a couple of coats of paint. Photo 16. When all was dry the Dutch man was glued together in his final sitting pose with his left hand resting on his left knee, his head slightly turned to one side, as he relaxed while smoking his now fitted in his right hand a new meerschaum pipe with smoky wisps emanating from the bowl top. Photo 17,18,19. Then finally I bonded the crewman and barrel using double sided tape to the deck of Karoline. Photo 20,21.

    ๐Ÿ“ Karoline, Dutch crewman. Part 1.
    2 months ago by ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง Rogal118 ( Captain)
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    Good evening, with all of my vessels I have crewed them with figures. I always think a boat looks strange without a crew showing, this is only my personal thought for my boats and I get as much pleasure from making the larger scale figures to suit the boat in person. It was with these thoughts that I decided to have a go at a crewman for the Karoline. I first did a search for photos of period Dutch fishermen, which produced the 1st photo shown below. The guy on the right was the one I was to use for apparel ideas. The figure I used for the base is as before from the childrenโ€™s Doctor Who series of play figures that I have acquired over the last few years for just this purpose. Photos 2-3 are the starting figure. I started by making his hat from light card, side, top and peak, photos 4-11.next the coat was removed, photo 12. Next an amount of mathematics to correct the figures height. The boat is 1/15th scale which equates to a 6 ft man ( 1828 mm) being 122 mm figure at this scale. The figure is 140mm so he needs trimming down. I have found in the past that the figures have longer legs and torsos for some reason, and find can be cut down and still look in proportion, also the neck can be trimmed too. photos 13-14-15. I cut the figure in pieces as shown and tidied up the new joints until happy with the overall size.

    ๐Ÿ“ Karoline, A breeze at last, a proper sail.
    2 months ago by ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง Rogal118 ( Captain)
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    Good evening. Re the rework to the sail pulley on Karoline. I had to dismantle the pulley system to reroute the cabling, so took some photos to compare the before and after. Here are the photos that show the modifications that changed the pulley pull from 477mm to 250mm, by altering the diameter of the drum from 39mm to 20 mm. This therefore enabled the full 4 rotations of the servo to coincide with the full top to bottom of the joystick on the transmitter, this was because the % of the servo travel cannot be altered on my futaba transmitter. It now works on the bench just right, we will see tomorrow at the pond!. Photos show the new pulley on the left, and the original on the right in all photos

    ๐Ÿ“ Karoline, A breeze at last, a proper sail.
    3 months ago by ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง Rogal118 ( Captain)
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    Thanks guys for your interest and all your comments, I really appreciate it. A little more info, as I have not wrote a blog yet about this refurb.The radio operates the rudder and the servo pulley, plus the forward reverse for the twin 30mm props. The rudder has been enlarged by about 25% which does make a big difference from standard. When I originally acquired the Karoline the servo pulley rotated a full 4 turns which gave a cord pull of 477mm which was far too much,I only required 250mm. My transmitter does not have the facility to limit the % of turns so I needed to fit a smaller diameter pulley. So I decided too make one. I started calculating the size required.250 total pull divided x 4turns = 62.5 for one turn, which would be the circumference of the new pulley. Divide this by pi 3.142 =19.89mm. I had a piece of 20mm pipe so this was near enough. I cut 3 larger 40mm discs from 1.5 mm plastic and cut 2 pipe discs at 3mm long. I drilled a 1mm hole in each pipe and sandwiched the parts alternately to form a 2 drum pulley, gluing together with supa glue, making sure the 2 x 1mm holes were inline with each other. i then glued a 4 arm servo bracket to the bottom 40 mm disc so I could screw to the servo output shaft. I then threaded the pulley cord through the 2 holes to form a continuous loop to push pull the mainsail boom. This is the only sail operated by the cord pulley. With it being a 2 drum pulley the cord can now wind and unwind the loop without getting tangled up.

    ๐Ÿ“ Karoline, A breeze at last, a proper sail.
    3 months ago by ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง Rogal118 ( Captain)
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    Sunday at the pond. After a stormy morning, by the time I got to the pond the rain had stopped, the temp was mild with a gentle breeze. Just perfect for sailing the Karoline at last. So I put her through her paces and the gentle breeze was just right, although as normal for Balne moor it swirls around the surface with it being inset into the landscape. But she sailed well and at one point was tipped over by a gust of wind, enough to wet the mainsail halfway up. But instantly she righted herself, proving that the false lead keel was the correct weight and tightening the hatch fit proved a good move as they held in situ. If this would have been left as the kit the hatches would have floated off and the hull would have filled with water, titanic style. So my fears were founded and the modifications proving correct.

    ๐Ÿ“ Karoline, Dutch potato boat.
    3 months ago by ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง Rogal118 ( Captain)
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    Good morning AndyB2, thanks for your interest and comments.Unfortunately I cannot help with the hull construction as I acquired the Karoline in a half finished state at our boat club. Also the original boat was built from a billings kit and came with a pre-formed moulded hull. If I can help in any other way donโ€™t hesitate to ask.

    ๐Ÿ“ Karoline, Dutch potato boat.
    3 months ago by ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง Rogal118 ( Captain)
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    Good morning Mike. Yes I can remove the sails quite easily and the rigging and the mast, but I thought I was being smart as the boat fitted in the car complete, by just heeling over to one side. I was also carrying my tools for our ongoing clubhouse refurb. It was these that slid forward when I had to brake sharply, pushing the boat up into the roof and snapping the mast. I have now stripped the sails and rigging and glued the mast back together. I think I have been fortunate in that the break was along the grain and had a large surface area, so was easy to splice together. I am also going to wrap in places with cord, to help the join stay together. Iโ€™ve now varnished it and all that can be seen is a very fine scar line.

    ๐Ÿ“ Karoline, Dutch potato boat.
    3 months ago by ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง Rogal118 ( Captain)
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    At the pond Wednesday. After being becalmed at the pond for the last 3 weeks I thought I would attempt to sail Karoline again. But unfortunately had a mishap driving to the pond. The consequence was a broken mast during heavy braking, so back to the work bench for a couple of days. Hopefully try again Sunday.

    ๐Ÿ“ Karoline, Dutch potato boat.
    3 months ago by ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง Rogal118 ( Captain)
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    Managed to go to the pond today to give Karoline her try out with her new sails. I was concerned because she sits quite low in the water, if a gust of wind healed her over it may have dislodged the deck hold covers, these were very loose and light.the holds would then fill quickly with water. Because of these fears i have modified the hatches too make them more water tight and a better fit. I also added a temporary lead keel to help balance the sails. So today at the pond i neednt have worried as there was no breeze at all the water was flat calm, i could only move her by motor. So my next trip will be Wednesday, i will try again

    ๐Ÿ“ Karoline,
    4 months ago by ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง Rogal118 ( Captain)
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    Good evening, update 2. Just a couple of photos of the finished brown sails. Now also rigged, but still some finer detail to add to make more realistic.At the moment the sails and rigging work for RC. To be practical not for scale beauty. Have a good evening, Roger,

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    ๐Ÿ“ Karoline,
    4 months ago by ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง Rogal118 ( Captain)
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    Good morning fellow modellers, Thankyou all for your interest and comments. In reply to your questions and queries, firstly, the rudder seams to be more than adequate now as the surface area has been increased with the addition of an extension of clear plastic from the original kit rudder. See photo. The servo gives a good throw and provides a good sharp turning motion. The idea of using clear is, when on the display stand the silhouette of the hull is as the original. Just a bit of modellers licence to help with the RC. function.
    The stowing of the main sail, was a whim of mine, last week I was going to the pond to just test the motors, not having started the sails at this stage. The vessel looked bare and I intended to take some photos, so for stand-off effect I scrunched up an old mainsail from IngaIV and tied it to the boom. The trip never happened. So yesterday when adding the new coloured sails for a maiden tryout, the stowed mainsail was still in situ, so the professional sailers amongst you would spot the anomaly straight away. Myself a complete novice just thought it looked realistic from 10mtrs away, in the middle of the pond. Today I will complete the sail making, fit upgraded motors, tidy the rigging to make compatible with RC. Operations. So next time at the pond, I will hopefully will be able to video also. Watch this space. Roger.

    ๐Ÿ“ Karoline,
    4 months ago by ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง Rogal118 ( Captain)
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    Since receiving the magazine info regarding the Karoline build, I have been able to progress with the sails and rigging. I also changed out the batteries, receiver and speed controller. once up and running i set about dyeing the sails, which worked very well. Once dry and ironed I cut out and sewed the hems on and then the corner gussets and rigging loops. As today arrived I had only sewed the 2 blue sails so rigged these for the maiden sail. I had already rigged a dummy main, sail stowed on the main boom for effect. Here are some photos of my day

    ๐Ÿ“ โ€œKarolineโ€ Dutch potato/fishing boat, billings boat kit, help please.
    4 months ago by ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง Rogal118 ( Captain)
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    Thankyou HermanK, for the info you have sent also. The actual Model Boat magazine originally released in August 2005. Was still available, i have ordered an original print and it will be delivered this week.So i will have my copy to read in full size, as and when required. Thankyou once again for your help, without it i would not have known about this magazine artical.

    ๐Ÿ“ โ€œKarolineโ€ Dutch potato/fishing boat, billings boat kit, help please.
    4 months ago by ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง Rogal118 ( Captain)
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    Thankyou for the information Alessandro
    SPQR. Very good, i cant read italian but the photos and drawings are very discriptive.these will help alot in the coming days as i intend to make the sails ready for rigging "Karoline".Thankyou once again.

    ๐Ÿ“ Olga IV
    4 months ago by ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง Rogal118 ( Captain)
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    Renamed Olga as my other is Inga.made new sails and fitted new servo with arm100mm which gives enough pull for the boom travel required.still a little work required to tidy her up but sails well even in light breezes. Iโ€™ve cut the rear cabin in two and also parted it from the main cabin, this way I donโ€™t have to derig to gain access to the battery and radio gear

    ๐Ÿ“ โ€œKarolineโ€ Dutch potato/fishing boat, billings boat kit, help please.
    4 months ago by ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง Rogal118 ( Captain)
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    Good afternoon AlessandroSPQR, thank you for the drawings they are very helpful in understanding the mechanics of the rigging etc. any info is most appreciated as this is all new to me, except for my building the IngaIV. This vessel seams a little simpler as only the mainsail boom is connected to the servo cord. So hopefully once I have an idea how the rigging works I can set about cutting and sewing the sails, with the correct fittings attached.

    ๐Ÿ“ โ€œKarolineโ€ Dutch potato/fishing boat, billings boat kit, help please.
    4 months ago by ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง Rogal118 ( Captain)
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    Thanks chaps for your interest and speedy replies.the vessel has been fitted out with radio gear, sail winch,rudder servo twin motors and props,plus 2x 6v, 3.6amh lead batteries.the sail winch only operates on the main mast boom, from the rear.the rudder has been extended with clear plastic to increace the area.shes all very well built and never seen the water as the sails are still in uncut sheet form, straight from the original kit.

    ๐Ÿ“ โ€œKarolineโ€ Dutch potato/fishing boat, billings boat kit, help please.
    4 months ago by ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง Rogal118 ( Captain)
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    Good evening everyone,I am currently refurbishing the above vessel, it has at some point been almost complete except for the sails fitted, itโ€™s here my problem arises. Unfortunately I do not have any plans or instructions, that show how the rigging is fitted plus the fixing of the sails.i have only ever rigged the Inga IV before, helped with a full set of drawings and instructions. I believe the sails are held in place with rings on the mast and booms but am completely in the dark with this one, So here is my request for help, if anyone can point me in the right direction to a rigging source or who has built this vessel and can give guidance I would be most grateful..I have searched the web but not had much success.

    ๐Ÿ“ Question of the Day?
    5 months ago by ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง Rogal118 ( Captain)
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    Iโ€™ve had enough, no more stupid questions to answer, what a waste of time.Iโ€™m out of the quiz from now on.am I taking this too serious?. After all we only play against ourselves. Itโ€™s frustrating when you interpret a question one way only to find the question setter, says you are wrong I was looking at from this perspective,

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