Ok John, I've seen the components, I should already have many of them.
I found that the integrated chip is precisely the ZN409CE, which you told me about in previous posts.
As far as you know, does it have to be programmed or can it just be used like that?
I seem to have understood from the datasheet that no programming is needed, am I wrong?
I don't know if 15 amps are enough, because during the tests, on some occasions, I came close and in some circumstances it could easily be exceeded.
If I have to make an effort I would prefer to do it with a circuit that guarantees higher absorption.
However, it is not excluded that in the absence of other schemes I could start assembling it for pure fun. Let's say that, if I can, I would like to combine usefulness with pleasure.
Even if I have already done so, I thank you again because you were really very kind and helpful in finding all this information material.
As already mentioned, just reading the wiring diagram made me understand many things, answering many questions.
I await other, possible, welcome technical contributions.
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