GelKote should NOT be applied to a bare wood hull, for a couple of reasons. 1) it has not strength 20 it will not adhere very well, 30 it is soft and can be easily damaged.
The hull should be fiber glassed or epoxy coated. In either case at least one layer of cloth should be applied as well. Many folks will apply multiple layers of glass cloth. The more applied, the stronger and more water proof the hull, but beware that the weight of glass and resin will build up quickly. After applying the FG to the hull, GelKote can be applied, brushed or sprayed. Gelkote, being quite a bit softer than FG resin, can be sanded very easily.
If you are up to the sanding, than just FG resin and glass will work. You can always add colorant to the resin or simply paint the hull after it is cured and sanded.
There are many ways to approach this and each individual has their own preference.
If you are sensitive to chemicals, or your significant other will not let you stink up your residence, than epoxy may be a preferred option. While it is more expensive, it does allow you to work inside.
Hope this helps
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