Yeah, I got an email from them too. Shapeways has been a good (but expensive) way to have parts printed. They might find it a little harder this time around for several reasons:
- Expensive to have parts made.
- Most of the business is in New York City (not a business friendly place).
- New development in printers (especially FDM) - much faster, better quality output, price, etc.
- New developments in varieties of materials - strength, flexibility, etc.
I can't believe they deleted their marketplace. Many of thousands of sellers/designers and they are all gone. I did not make much money off the sales of my products but then I kept my profit margin low, about 10%. I can tell that many others have profit margins of 100% and much more based on material volume.
I do hope they make it work because many people do not have the capability to design or make critical parts and companies like this give them at least a path to get their part.
Somewhere in Florida.
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