Hi, all that triggered off a memory! At our annual exhibition that year (1984) a good friend had found a plan that no one was building, he sent off for the plans to the Maritime museum and they cost ยฃ40 or ยฃ50 as they have silver in the print process. He was sitting next to me and we were doing build demos, his of course was the HDML and being a purist he was diagonal planking it.
David Metcalf came into see us he was well known to both of us, and said it looked familiar.
The following day he came in and stood before us and unrolled the Christmas free plan. It was of course the HDML! My friend nearly had an apoplexy as he liked to have exclusive models and I had to stop him taking a hammer to his boat!
He tragically died a few years later and I bought the finished model in Mediterranean camouflage, from his estate. To be honest it had never really sailed well and I had offered to have a look but this was declined.
So I got it home and started testing and found that the centre bearings of each prop shaft were dragging. There being an A frame just before the rudder. A small opening up with a tapered reamer cured this and the 540 motors were replaced with low power Pitman ones and she sails very well on 10 volts at less than an amp for each motor.
The thing he had not told me was she leaked like a sieve! A lot of filling and internal covering cured this. He was a model aircraft man mainly and the guns and various deck items were from thin plastic and super glue.
When I had her just a touch on any item had it flying apart so lots of reconstruction was done, but I used solvent adhesive.
Not run her for some years now, but she was the first one!
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