Hi all last night I closed down my laptop all working nicely and went to bed.
I got up rather early cup of tea and open up the lid to the world.
Lovely picture and even an arrowwhich I could move, but otherwise it ignored me.
Seeking solace and help on the old laptop which fortunately did not seem to bear a grudge I put in my question.
My current one is a new HP Probook on Windows 11 so not expecting any 'funnies'.
After a long look it advised a factory reset holding down the start button (which is now a key on the keypad) for 45 seconds gets you a factory reset.
After 3 or 4 minutes it had gone through the process and I can now connect with the world again!
So what happened? Does anyone know?
Overnight, about 6 hours, it went from working fine to senility!
Would appreciate any ideas.
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