You must excuse me if I couldn't understand everything completely, due to the translation, my fault.
I'm glad you agree with my method on how to attach the propellers.
It was just a suggestion to help those who have never done it and have no other ideas, but there are equally valid methods.
For the moment, after reading all the opinions, my method still convinces me (at least for a certain type of RC models).
As regards propellers in general, a lot has been written in this and other topics, so I understand that not everyone wants to read everything, maybe some messages are skipped.
However, precisely on the propellers I wrote, among other things, that the best method is to do some tests.
I don't disdain calculations in general, but in this case I didn't do any.
I did them when I talked about the immersed volume but that was another matter.
However, I believe that before doing any tests, it is better to have a minimum of basic knowledge about propellers and start from the clearest ideas possible. This was the purpose of this and my other three threads on the subject.
In the last part of your message, I really appreciate your resourcefulness, but I have a completely different philosophy. If I understand correctly, to solve the problem you replaced the double propeller system with a single propeller.
If you have achieved your goal, good for you, but I prefer to solve the problem respecting the original plan.
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