Our club is primarily funded by Membership Dues. The dues are $40.00/yr for a "Family" membership (i.e. domestic couple). Our club has an average annual paying membership of approx. 50 paying members. With the exception of the club funded Spring breakfast, and Fall "Dry Dock" meal, we have never turned away somebody from events for non-payment of dues.
We also have had boats and gear donated to the club, mostly from the estates of deceased members but sometimes from people who have simply heard of us. These donations are sold to club members at several events per year, and the funds go into our treasury.
As mentioned, club funds are used for the Spring breakfast meeting, and the Dry Dock year end party. We also use the funds for equipment such as an LCD projector, a tent canopy which is used when we have displays at non club events, funding the club website, and this year to buy and build 2 vac-u-tugs which we intend to make available for youth to use during club events.
We are fortunate to have a good relationship with the City of Edina who let us use a storage cage in the city's park maintenance garage, as well as use of a room for meetings, and also the use of the Hughes Pavilion at the park ponds for our 4 major events each year.
We do have a Commodore, and board members, monthly meetings (the last two had 21 & 29 persons in attendance) where we briefly discuss club business and then open the meeting up to anybody who wants to show a boat or project they are working on, or ask for advice from more seasoned modelers. This part of the meeting has also had members give presentations on battery types and care, soldering techniques, planking process, etc.
Although we are structured to the point that we have a Commodore and board members, monthly scheduled meetings, and events we display at ... It is a pretty laid back club.
I hope this gives you some ideas for your club.
Link to our club website:
I have attached last months newsletter, and the 2024 Calendar of Events .pdfs
Dave B
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