Ok, a good 4 day event, weather not too good Thursday and Friday, sunny but strong gusty winds which made steering problematic. Even the seasonned competitors struggled!
I overslept on the morning of my departure, consequently forgot my camera , phone etc. I am trying to acquire some photos of the event though and will post when they become available.
I experienced boat problems mid circuit on the second day, and finished the round with 6 points out of a possible 100 with H G Wells. The problem appeared to be a knackered speed controller, didn't have a spare with me(lesson there somewhere!) However on the 3rd circuit held on Saturday, when conditions were flat, wind free and calm I managed a circuit with just one motor running(the Wells has twin props) managing a circuit scoring 95 points out of 100, I was well pleased. and finished 20th out of 45 for the whle event!
Lively did much worse, sailing at the height of the winds, and finished 33rd overall.
Still, the pot d'amitee each day went down well!
Back to the Wells, spent yesterday investigating the problem(s), motor tests, both ok, eventually with a servo tester proved both speed controllers ok, check the 2 drive Lipo's both ok. Finally checked the receiver and transmitter, I use a 'v' tail mix for the motor control, therein lay the problem, it was the receiver, both motor control channels were down. So with a replacement rx tried again, everything fine - I suspect water problems or humidity on the rx, although internally the hull was perfectly dry!
Lessons learned, take a spare rx and speed controllers.
Bearing all the above in mind an enjoyable although frustrating event.
Another one up by Roscoff the final weekend in June, the local championship, Bretagne / Pays de Loire that also is usually more enjoyable!! :-)
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