Hi, I have mentioned it before but I use Wunda-web, which is fine web of glue which you iron on.
Basics:- Wash and dry material to get it to shrink if necessary. Then iron and spray with starch where the sail is to be traced out.
With a pencil mark out sail area, putting weft (non-stretch) of material on longest edge of sail. Allow 2 widths of seem around the actual sail measurements.
Cut out sail around outer seam.
Using a metal straight edge fold one seam over the metal edge and iron and then another inside that one to get a sharp edge.
Fold one over, then over again, if satisfied with shape undo the seams and run a length of Wund-web inside the seam. Do one edge at a time, careful with the corners, they need sharp scissors to cut off spare material. With a medium hot iron go over the seams and the glue will melt and hold the seam in place.
If fitting eyelets (as small as possible, Nylet have them) I put a tiny amount of super glue in the position and then drill a hole and push the eyelt in place and hammer the securing washer on the other side to form a rivet.
If you need 'ropes' through the seams then put the string in place before the ironing, stretch it tight securing the ends with weights or sticky tape. Otherwise it will go all over the place.
Sails made like this have lasted me over 20 years and show no signs of fraying or failing.
good luck if you use the above,
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