Hello Doug, I answer your upcoming curiosity.
About the name, I think we had already talked about it, anyway as the Latins said "repetita juvant".
I donโt know that there is a rule for nicknames, everyone chooses what they want, how they want.
There are those who choose them completely at random, without any apparent logic, who even enters name and surname, who puts the first name and only the initial of their own surname, who puts the first name and year of birth, etc. Etc.
There are many who put their country (like UK for example) or their city behind the name (as in my case).
In fact SPQR is to indicate Rome.
This acronym that everyone knows (Senatvs PopvlvsQve Romanvs) identifies my city.
In Rome the acronym SPQR appears everywhere, on manholes, fountains, on the website, on buses, on heraldic coats of arms, in the football team, in short everywhere.
I chose the nickname AlessandroSPQR, as I could have chosen AlessandroROMA, simply in honor of my city, its history (I am passionate and interested in history in general) and its civilization.
You too, (I think) wanted to honor your city in some way: Munich. The difference is that you chose the city where you lived and worked and not the city of origin. I didnโt.
By now you have understood that it is not about politics and I have no political ambitions (I do not know how you came to this idea). I hope I have been clear and comprehensive.
The term "pompous" I honestly did not understand; I translated it but I did not understand what you meant.
I think Iโm the only one on this site who has to explain his nickname, but itโs fun.
I'm not at all upset, in fact I have Doug to thank for that.
What is certain is that I am not Caius but Alessandro.
Thank you for the clarification between tins and jars. As I have already said many times I insert the Italian text in the translator but I like these clarifications and lessons, as that on motor and engine. Actually, I am much more interested in nautical terms; in this field I would like many more corrections and lessons.
I send you more photos, but I donโt think they will be very useful, because I donโt believe there are ingredients like in food products.
If these photos also do not satisfy you ask, I will try to make others.
I picked up the box of colors looking for the most recent (the last purchased), I hope I have fished well. The old ones I certainly did not throw away.
Available for any further clarification.
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