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    Dumas Whitehall-WWII PCE
    17 Posts · 7 Followers · 77 Photos · 101 Likes
    Began 1 year ago by
    Vice Admiral
    United States
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    Latest Post 1 year ago by
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    📝 Done and Maiden!!
    1 year ago by 🇺🇸 Cashrc ( Vice Admiral)
    ✧ 28 Views · 5 Likes
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    Hi y’all, I’ll keep this short. I put the finishing touches on the Whitehall over the past few weeks, and maidened her today. She runs fine,I’m quite happy with her. Is she an everyday boat? Not really, the hull is very thin and the whole boat is “fiddly”. But… she looks good on the water, doesn’t leak and runs well, so she’s a keeper!!

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    📝 Going off the rail(ing)
    1 year ago by 🇺🇸 Cashrc ( Vice Admiral)
    ✧ 40 Views · 6 Likes
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    Hi y’all. My care package from CMB came in about a week ago. I order a few bits and pieces for my “bench stock”, props, tillers, shafts, etc. Included in this order was 3 packages of small 2 hole stanchions and wire to fit. Once I got everything put away, it was time to make some rails!,
    So, to be honest what I’ve done is not perfect, as the stanchions should be closer together, among other things. However, I think it looks good, and will look good in the water, which to me is the most important thing next to reliability.
    The pics are all pretty self explanatory, however, the rails between the supports under the 20mm can tubs are just cut and glued wire. I made a few adjustments for ease of servicing and to keep the fragility of this boat down. I came THIS close to cutting out the mast and building a new unit out of cf tubing and glass rod, but I’m holding off till I see how it holds up under normal use.
    Well, she’s almost done. A few more small details, some touch up and then it’s time for the dreaded bathtub test and ballast check. I think I’ll have her ready by the first week of June..

    📝 Where she is now
    1 year ago by 🇺🇸 Cashrc ( Vice Admiral)
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    Hi y’all. Last week I was able to build a “fauxhog “ launcher from bits of plastic rod, tube, Lego and plasticard, and a not very detailed 3”/50cal gun. This is where she’s at now. I still need to install rx and esc, then I might take a stab at making gun directors and lifeboats. I have stanchions and railings coming from CMB, so hopefully I’ll have most details done in a week or so, and the railings a week or so after that. Some of my scratch fittings look ok, some are…adequate, but I’m thinking she’s starting to look the part. Anyway, thanks for the kind words and encouragement, I do appreciate it!!

    📝 20mm guns and anchor chain
    1 year ago by 🇺🇸 Cashrc ( Vice Admiral)
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    Quick update tonight. I built up some 20mm guns from scrap brass wire, plastic tubing, plasticard and used ca bottle tips cut down for the mount. They’re not perfect, not by a long shot but they look the part. I’m actually quite pleased how they turned out. I got the anchor chain painted and installed also. I then went inside and watched “Sink the Bismarck “

    📝 Bofors, battery floor, initial paint
    1 year ago by 🇺🇸 Cashrc ( Vice Admiral)
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    Hi y’all. I went ahead and used the Bofors that were printed for me, but I had to trim them. The files Ed used were not to 1/96 scale, but these were a test print. As printed they’re closer to 1/60. I didn’t want them to go to waste, so I trimmed them down to close enough standards, painted them up and installed them. I installed a batter floor in the hull, as the plastic is so thin I don’t feel good about Velcro if a battery directly to the hull seam. I glued the floor down with medium ca, and ran it almost to the bow, I tapered it to fit. I then mixed up some 15 minute epoxy with a little filler, heated it with a heat gun and poured it each side of the floor from about 1/3 aft to the bow.
    I then decided I was done with details for the day, and spent the rest of my shop time doing paint.

    📝 Ships boat, davits and the depth charge racks
    1 year ago by 🇺🇸 Cashrc ( Vice Admiral)
    ✧ 63 Views · 7 Likes · 3 Comments
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    Hi y’all. My Covid job for today was to finish the ships boat, make the Dalits and get that all installed, and tackle the depth charge racks.
    I had the ships boat built, it came out…ok. The davits were originally part of the John Haynes fittings kit that was produced for this boat, but the gentleman has retired and the kits are unobtanium at this point. So I made the davits from heated plastic sprues, washers and aluminum tubing. They look okay from a few feet away. When I first installed them I realized that I had set the davits too far back, and the rigging line to the boat was at a bad angle, so I reset them touched up the paint and it looks better…not perfect, but better.
    The depth charge racks are made from cut pieces of 8mm cut zinc rod, maybe aluminum. They need to be cleaned up as they are cut and that’s it. The rack is made up of 1/16 square styrene and the same with in an L cross section. You glue the cut rod pieces together, use the L strip top and bottom, and the square rod are the supports. Simple in concept, slightly frustrating in practice, but I got it done.
    I played around with cutting down one of the twin Bofors to be closer to scale, as it turns out the guns are closer to 1/60 scale. A little trimming and they look okay.
    So, now it’s guns, directors, odds and ends. Then paint, a decent battery floor, and detail paint. I’m getting there!!

    💬 Re: Ships boat, davits and the depth charge racks
    1 year ago by 🇬🇧 flaxbybuck ( Captain)
    ✧ 41 Views · 2 Likes
    Thanks for enlightening me Cash. Those springs look so like the springs we have in clothes pegs here in the UK. 😉
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    💬 Re: Ships boat, davits and the depth charge racks
    1 year ago by 🇺🇸 Cashrc ( Vice Admiral)
    ✧ 43 Views · 1 Like
    If you’re talking about the stand the Bofors are on the spring pegs are small clamps. You can slide them in the slots in the stand, and use them to hold small parts for painting. That’s a Tamiya paint stand that rotates to facilitate painting.
    💬 Re: Ships boat, davits and the depth charge racks
    1 year ago by 🇬🇧 flaxbybuck ( Captain)
    ✧ 44 Views · 2 Likes
    I'm intrigued as to the purpose of the two peg springs shown in the 5th picture ??😉
    📝 Superstructure and supports mounted, some paint and a little Covid
    1 year ago by 🇺🇸 Cashrc ( Vice Admiral)
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    Hi y’all. I love just north of the DFW metroplex. If you have allergies, it can be awful. Now, I haven’t had a real issue since I found Claratin. However, past 2 days I’ve felt rougher than the north end of a south bound mule. So, I went to an urgent clinic near my home….and I have tested positive for Covid!! Turns out the new strains symptoms present like very acute allergies…which makes sense , as I have enough allergy meds in my system to inebriate a large horse….so, I’ll get more done on the Whitehall!! Lemonade and all that.
    So tonight I decided to get the superstructure and mast mounted. There are 4 laser cut thin wood supports between the deck and the bottom of the 20mm gun tubs. My best way to get those lined up was to step the mast in its hole, position the superstructure and tape it down, then use a pin vise and a 1/16 bit to drill the holes in the deck using the holes in the gun tubs as a guide…and waddya know!! It worked!! Very little adjustment needed. I then took thin tape and, after double checking the rudder tiller set screw torque (yes, my fingers ARE calibrated🤣) taped the access hatch down..it’s a rather tight fit but I’m not chancing it. I then light scuffed the tape with 1000 grit sandpaper, primered and paint. My reasoning is that if I ever HAVE to mess with the tiller I can pull off the tape, do what I need to do, retape and touch up the paint.
    That’s all for tonight. Depending on how I feel I’m hoping to get a lot more done before Saturday.

    💬 Re: Superstructure and supports mounted, some paint and a little Covid
    1 year ago by 🇩🇪 RNinMunich ( Fleet Admiral)
    ✧ 61 Views · 2 Likes
    Nice work Cash👍
    Re "I love 😍 just north of the DFW metroplex."
    Ooh er! Does your missus know about this?😉

    Get well soon, er or should that be get well slowly so you can spend more time in the workshop with Whitehall😁
    Cheers, Doug😎
    📝 The mast, the MAST!!!
    1 year ago by 🇺🇸 Cashrc ( Vice Admiral)
    ✧ 73 Views · 8 Likes · 1 Comment
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    Hi y’all. Had a go at doing what I could to finish the mast. I have decided that the best tool for drilling 1/32 holes in 1/8 dowels is a pin vise. Sometimes I forget I have it, or just too lazy to drag it out of my small tool drawer, but it’s been indispensable building this boat. Much more control in a tight spot than any drill I own.
    Anyway, I decided to try to build up the mast, get it painted and installed on the superstructure. Last week I got the basic mast built. Today, I built up the supports, the radome on top of the mast, bent up and installed the yardarm, and built up railing for the searchlight support and installed a “searchlight” built from bits and pieces. I also installed the boom and rigged it.
    The railings on the searchlight platform were made up from single hole stanchions that I had in my parts stash, cut down to the properish size. Once glued in I ran the rail and secured it, then ca’d a second rail to the sides of the stanchions. The radome is made from an old rc car body post.
    I went ahead with prime ring and paint on the deck, and made a divot for the mast to step once I finally glue down the superstructure. I still have a long way to go but I figure I’m about 5/8 there.

    💬 Re: The mast, the MAST!!!
    1 year ago by 🇨🇦 Ronald ( Admiral)
    ✧ 72 Views · 1 Like
    Coming along nicely
    📝 More this week
    1 year ago by 🇺🇸 Cashrc ( Vice Admiral)
    ✧ 84 Views · 8 Likes · 1 Comment
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    Hi y’all. Not a lot done, this week but I’m pressing on. I have the ships boat built up, and I’ve started on the mast. It’s built up from 1/8 and 3/32 dowels, brass wire and detail parts. It’s going to be interesting, as the mast goes into a hole on the aft deck support, and down to the deck. There are several eyes on the mast for rigging, but the bottom two cannot be installed until the mast is stepped to the superstructure. So, from what I can tell, the superstructure has to be done, completely fitted out, and painted. The mast needs to be mostly done, painted, stepped, the last 2 eyelets installed, then rigged in situ, glue that whole assembly to the deck and finish rigging to deck points…at least that’s how I see it. Anyway, I hope to get to that point, or close by the weekend.

    💬 Re: More this week
    1 year ago by 🇬🇧 flaxbybuck ( Captain)
    ✧ 81 Views · 3 Likes
    Hi Cash
    You obviously enjoy your boat modelling. Thank you for sharing with us your latest project. I am so impressed with the wonderful series of photographs you have shown us. These add hugely to our pleasure in reading about the construction. Well done, and thanks😉
    📝 Fiddly bits done.
    1 year ago by 🇺🇸 Cashrc ( Vice Admiral)
    ✧ 87 Views · 8 Likes · 1 Comment
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    Hi y’all. Got a bit more done today and the past week. Before I go on I have to say this is, for me, a challenging build, as the boat is small, the details are tiny and my eyes are old🤣. Anyway, the 2 deck tubs for the Bofors are installed, I made up watertight doors by using 1mm plastic and using an xacto, I made divots from the back of the door that left rivet looking protrusions on the other side. I made up a pelorus from cast off Lego parts, as well as some lockers and a table. The signaling lamps are some small white metal fittings that I cut down, the compass is a Deans unit from my stash, and I made up rope reels from odds and ends. I still have a lot more to do but I’m getting my mind wrapped around it now. Oh, it look as if the Bofors are not too big to use!! I’ll have to trim them a tiny bit but they’ll work. I should have more done by the middle of the week.

    💬 Re: Fiddly bits done.
    1 year ago by 🇧🇪 hermank ( Captain)
    ✧ 81 Views · 1 Like
    When I See how Tiny everything is you are certainly making à Joke about your old eyes!!!!
    You can have old eyes but you See everything
    Very nice modell!!
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