Not sure if there is an equivalent TV programme in the USA but here many of us follow the Repair Shop. The public bring in family objects that need repair, they then share the associated memories and we get to see various ways of restoring things from broken china to leatherwork and mechanical toys.
In 1993 I answered a local newspaper advert asking for someone to restore a small yacht made during WW2 by the lads grandfather. His dad was paying and I went to see them both and took on a small yacht which a small boy had tortured to death!
I asked what they were expecting? They would like to sail her again. I gave the dad a price which he agreed to and took the yacht home.
I had to de-construct the hull and re-build her, new mast and then make some sails.
She came out quite good. I thought about what is now called the reveal. So i constructed a cover and took it all over to them. Then when they were ready, off came the cover and they were gob-smacked! So I know the feeling which the repair shop guys enjoy, it is very satisfying. I believe it became a centre piece on the sideboard!
The trouble is you can't make a living doing it, you would starve. This was before we all had digital cameras but the photos are somewhere.
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