I use an Ender 5 Plus 3D printer and I am happy with it. Resin printer are too messy for me so I keep it simple. If you lokk in YouTube for videos about 3D printers you will learn very fast a lot that will enable you to the right choice. You will also learn about how to deal with the chioce of support structures required when prints have "noses" that need support to be printed. You will also learn how to achieve surfaces that are without the stepping structure by 3D printers applying the layers to your object in print. I have also recently learned that there are tricks to print minimizing the support structures. My 3rd print or so was so heavy supported by structures which I could not get away.
The trends in my opinion go towards more printing speed, multicolor prints and printing of more demanding materials of filament. More demanding materials require to replace the standard nozzle were the filament is melted to more resistant material that reduce the lifetime of the nozzle. But nozzles are inexpensive. and easy to replace. I am also learning the users are switching to a nozzle diameter of 0.4 to 0.6 mm.
If you want to use materials that require higher temperatures an enclosing of the printer space is required. Just starting 3D print I would go with an cheaper 3D printer that you can then later replace with a more powerful printer with enclosing.
I have just purchased a Sonic Pad from Creality to start learning and implementing and print faster using Klipper that runs on the Sonic Pad and uses the standard board of the printer to just execute the printing path. Normally the printers come with Marlin which is another OS in 3D printers. Once that works with the standard board in the printer I will try to replace the standard board in the printer with a board from Bigtreetech, the Octopus Pro and I have already purchased driver boards with a TMC5164 that allow to apply voltages to the stepper motors up to 60VDC and a power supply that delivers 48 VDC. This way the stepper motors can run much faster which supports faster printing speed.
The other task on my agenda is to replace the aluminum structure starting with the vertical onces of my printer which are 20x20mm onces light with 40x40mm heavy ones. The heavy onces deliver the profiles using thicker aluminum. This way the structure of my printer gets more rigid preducing the vibration that happens when the printer runs faster.
Below my printer I have a vibration damping tile 20mm thick and below a concrete tile also 20mm thick that adds to damp possible vibrations even more as the concrete tile is very heavy.
Finally I am building a drying chamber in which the filament spools are stored and kept dry feeding the printer from there in tubes so humidity cannot affect it.
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