Hi Mouldbuilder, I'm referring to my previous message to be clearer.
When I talk about work to make an RC model ship unsinkable I'm not referring to waterproofing.
After these works, in fact, even with a very large hole in the hull [for example 2 cm or more] the model will not be able to sink.
Not all models may be suitable for these jobs (you have to see on a case-by-case basis), but if it is possible to do them and they are done, the model will certainly be unsinkable even with conspicuous and uncontrolled entry of water into the hold.
So you can sleep soundly.
These jobs are simple, require little time, do not damage the model and are reversible, requiring no special equipment or knowledge.
Ah, I forgot, I saw Budapest, the Danube and Balaton when I was in upper third school. Beautiful cities and beautiful places and I also ate well.
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