Hi, well the guilt persists and after I did some repairs to another couple of boats I got on with Lilka.
Everything was wiped down with some white spirit to remove finger marks and residue then a coat of thinned varnish.
The paint blemished hull surface is having been rubbed down wet and dry. I use old and different colour paint for this. As you rub down another paint colour comes through if gone too far. It is only when you have a single colour hull you can see the bits that need filling.
The instructions start OK then wander off into 'strange English' so really you are on your own.
To remove the rudder you need to unscrew the support at the keel, no problem as I have used two wood screws to locate it. I will try and finish the painting like this but the prop will be removed first.
The cabin comes ready laser cut and looked good. The rudder photo is out of focus, note boat is upside down.
Suzie investigates everything and she is pointing out a possible problem.
I have moved on a bit with having sanded the cabin roof to shape and the hull is drying yellow and just beat the rain so will be dry in the shed in the morning.
Looking through the plans does reveal a lot, and am taking my guidance from here from now on.
There are a few models on-line all similar including a build blog from India.
Not been able to trace the full size boat. The kit is Polish so maybe a custon launch from Gdansk?
Any information especially colour scheme most welcome.
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