We know now that there is not an infinite number of fish or any other living thing.
When men go fishing on a commercial basis they overtake the replacement rate of the fish.
In the North Sea we had the 'silver darlings' or herring, and they were fished out.
Actually when man goes to war, this benefits the fish!
During the 2nd. world war the fishing in the North Sea was very limited and over the 6 years the fishing stock recovered very well.
I have to say that fish is one of my favourite foods but I am still aware of the implications to the fish.
On a lighter note, my son and I have eaten fish and chips as a treat in many places.
In Australia NSW the favoured white fish is flathead, a really ugly fish but very tasty.
In Tasmania we had 'gummy shark' as the prefered white fish, also good, a bit like rock salmon (also from the small shark species).
My favourite though is skate, part of the Ray family.
As far as fishing boat models go I do like the North Sea Norwegian fishing boats of the 30's that have survived through to be tourist attractions now. They evolved as the result of years of fishing and bad weather.
The Billing kit Mary Ann is my favourite I have two of them plus an unfinished kit. The kit was almost the first from that company (1958) and it is still in production today in much modified form, well it has evolved as well.
When working on my latest model whenever I look up I see a Mary Ann and I smile.
I have included pictures from a week or so back. It would be nice to think that one boat had had a good catch. Unfortunately she was sinking quietly, another plank opened up maybe?
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